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Advice Goddess

Wail Watching and See Monster

Wail Watching My roommate just found out her ex-fiance is terminally ill and is likely to pass away soon. Though they had a weird relationship, I can tell she’s taking

Male Call

The low down on the button-down

Q. In a recent question, you referred to “ button-down shirts.”  I am not exactly sure what kind of shirts you meant.                                                                                                     A. This is one of several men’s clothing terms

Risa's Astrology

Rod of Justice, Rule of Law and Prayers for our Country

Saturday, July 4th, is Independence Day in the United States. It is the U.S. birthday. Saturday night, Sunday morning is also the full moon, lunar eclipse (13 degrees Cancer/Capricorn). A

Male Call

A short sleeved dress shirt? Really?

Q. I received an email from Brooks Brothers showing short sleeve dress shirts. I didn’t think those were dress shirts. When are they right to wear? A. I am tempted

Risa's Astrology

Summer 2020 — Building a Lighted House

Last Saturday, the Sun entered the sign Cancer and settled for three days in its northern-most position – at the Tropic of Cancer. The solstice ended the light half of

Advice Goddess

Doom Raider And Undercover Smother

Doom Raider I think the guy I recently started dating might run in the same circles as my ex. (He’s said a few things that led me to think that.)

Male Call

Make a splash with the right pair of swim trunks

Q. Our pool club is closed this summer and luckily I’ve been invited to swim in my neighbor’s pool. He is always in fashion and all I have to wear

Advice Goddess

Flesh And Bleh And It’s Not You. It’s Meh.

Flesh And Bleh I started dating someone who is super close to his family (talks to his mom and/or dad daily, sometimes multiple times). I have a perfectly good relationship

Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrograde As Summer Begins

Mercury retrograde occurs this Wednesday at 15 degrees Cancer, moving back to the U.S. Sun (13 degrees Cancer, the same degrees as Sirius, where love comes from). During this time,

Risa's Astrology

Gemini – a Line of Light Beams

We are in the time of Gemini – the most playful sign of the zodiac. Leo is playful, too, but in a different way. Gemini is like a line of