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Advice Goddess

Laddy Issues and Tender Mercenaries

Laddy Issues I’m a woman in my early 20s. My friends say I have “daddy issues,” because I tend to date men in their 30s. (I do have a decent

Risa's Astrology

Week of Epiphany – Something Revealed to the World

We completed our journey with the Magi Astrologer Kings this week, our Twelve Days After Christmas, each day organized under a zodiacal sign, preparing us for the new year. The

Advice Goddess

Emily Postal

Bright red lipstick is my trademark. It makes me feel attractive and confident: ready to take on the world. A female friend criticizes me at parties about my leaving a

Male Call

Look hot with a collar

Q. I know you like traditional clothes and neckties, but today there are fewer and fewer times when I wear a tie. Still, I do like to look good and

Risa's Astrology

Beginnings Are Fragile Things

Welcome to our strange and brave new world, 2021, everyone. We have a dreamy start to the new year as Mercury joins Neptune on the first day of 2021. Many

Advice Goddess

Couching Tiger and Cujo’s Diner

Couching Tiger I’m a woman in my late 20s in a happy, committed relationship. I had the idea of going to a therapist with my boyfriend so we can learn

Male Call

Blazer vs. Sport Coats

Q. What trousers should I wear with patterned black, blue, and brown blazers? I know you say not to wear blazers with the same color pants because they look like

Advice Goddess

Meet Joe Slack

My boyfriend does everything halfway, save for playing video games and smoking weed. He does sloppy work at his job, just the minimum to get by, and is always late

Risa's Astrology

Heaven & Nature Sing

From the very night of time, the time wherein the Sun moves northward again has been regarded as a festival season; for thousands of years it has been associated with

Male Call

Shoes speak louder than words

Q. I usually add to my husband’s tie collection at the holidays, but this year he asked for shoes. Specifically, he wants a pair of Allen Edmonds that his brother