Leave Actually
I broke up with a guy I dated very briefly and said it’d be best for me if we didn’t maintain contact. He respected this for a while, but he’s
Finding a shirt that’s jusssttt right
Q. I recently lost a considerable amount of weight. I now wear 31×33 pants, and have a 14½- inch neck and a 35-inch sleeve. I have been checked for size
On the Mystery Temple Doors — “Know Thyself”
Under the light of Gemini and especially with Mercury retrograde in Gemini, we turn inwards and learn more about ourselves – our beliefs, fears, hopes, wishes and dreams, our thinking
Hate-Loss Diet and Glued-In Allergy
Hate-Loss Diet Last year, I broke up with the man I was engaged to and loved deeply. I’d found out he was cheating on me constantly with many different women
Are tan dress shoes a thing?
Q. I’ve lived long enough to see the pink-and-black era of the fifties, to the Nehru jackets, then denim suits, the trim-cut men’s clothing of today, and all the crazy
Mercury Retrogrades — A Magical Mystery Tour
Mercury begins its three-week retrograde journey Saturday, May 29th and continues in reverse ‘til June 22nd, moving from 25 to 16 degrees Gemini. It’s good to consider Mercury retrograde as
No Manchild Left Behind
I’m a woman in my early 20s. I’m considered pretty, and I’m in good shape. I started dating significantly older men (in their 40s and early 50s). I love that
Should your belt match your shoes?
Q. While wearing a traditional navy blue blazer, gray flannel slacks, and cordovan or brown shoes, what is the proper belt color, brown or black? Must the belt match the
Fraud Prince and Six Degrees Of Penetration
Fraud Prince I broke up with a guy I was dating after discovering he’d lied about his age on the dating app we’d met on. (He’s 48, not “39.”) I’d
Stand out for all the right reasons
Q. I am a young professional man who likes to dress well, but also to stand out from the crowd of very conservative dressers. However, my best (male) friend and my wife