If the shoe fits….
Q. I am a reader of your excellent column on men’s fashion. I “used” to be a fan of Allen Edmonds shoes. That changed when I sent a not-particularly beat-up
Hiding Away Under A Shell
When summer begins and for thirty days thereafter, the Sun is in Cancer, sign of mother, family, home, the embryonic waters nurturing new life. Cancer, its light flowing through the
When Hair Gel Met Sally and Brothel, Where Art Thou
When Hair Gel Met Sally I’m a 28-year-old woman. My boyfriend of three months is a great person, and I started to think he might be The One. However, he
Cool Shirts in Warm Weather
Q. Finally, I’m returning to the office, and, of course, it is an average 90 degrees for the week. I’m dosing up heavily on deodorant, but don’t want to be an
They Blow Up So Fast
They Blow Up So Fast I’m a man in my 30s, and I’m looking to settle down and start a family. I was falling in love with the woman I’ve
Great gifts for men
Q. I’m a man who has always been frugal when buying my own clothes; that is, I have preferred Kohl’s to Brooks Brothers. When it comes to gift giving, I
Father’s Day, a Summer Poem & Jupiter Retrograde
This Sunday, June 20this a complex, multi-cultural and multi-celebratory day. Sundayis Father’s Day, Summer Solstice (Litha), the Sun enters Cancer and Jupiter, the beneficent, retrogrades. On Father’s Day let us
Platonic Bomb and Hex And The City
Platonic Bomb A guy I know grates on me because he only has female friends. He apparently tried to get involved with each of them at some point but got
Some shorts are too short for shorts
Q. I just saw an article in The New York Times, saying that the new look in men’s shorts is very short. That sounds bad enough, but the ones they showed ranged
Chiron in Aries — Humanity’s Self Identity
Chiron (a small solar system, an asteroid, between Saturn & Uranus) left the Neptunian waters of Pisces and entered Aries (all things new) February 2019. Since then humanity has been