Retreat from those pleats: Signs that a suit is out of style
Q. I have a navy suit with pleated trousers that I would like to wear for an interview with a NYC-based firm, but I am afraid it’s out of style.
Uranus – Awakening Humanity from Slumber
Looking Up! In the night skies, look for Venus, a golden starry light along with bright Jupiter (beginning August 20th). Both are visible through December 31st. The sky is brilliant
Wii Are Not Amused
During quarantine, my boyfriend started spending two or three hours a night playing video games. Not only do I think this is unhealthy (since video games apparently lead to violence
Proper nail grooming a must
Q. Are manicures appropriate for men? My boss gets his nails done often (I think at least monthly), and I feel it gives the impression of his being overly consumed with
Humanity as word servers & saviors
We are seeing in our world today a “withering of the law”, the old ways falling away, having completed their usefulness. As this is occurring great retrogressive forces are at
Shifty-Fifty and On Cloudy Nine
Shifty-Fifty A close friend and I spend a lot of time discussing her issues with her boyfriend. I’m always there for her, even late at night when she’s upset about
Stripes with stripes?
Q. When I wear a striped suit (one where you can only see the stripes from very close), what patterned shirts can I wear with it? I’d rather not always
Heliacal (before dawn & near the Sun) Rising of Sirius
In ancient Egypt the annual flooding of the Nile occurred as Sirius, the blue-white star left of Orion, became visible just before sunrise. A star seen rising before sunrise is
Liar Drill
I’m a guy, and a female friend asked me to objectively rate her looks on a scale of 1 to 10. She has a very high opinion of her looks,
Having a packing panic attack? Follow these steps
Q. I have recently begun to travel more for my job. Can you give me some packing tips to insure that my clothes will still look professional when I reach