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Male Call

Must have’s for a man’s closet

Q. I have enjoyed reading your articles in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette for a long time. After retiring as owner of a general contracting firm, we recently downsized, and during

Risa's Astrology

How to Create Peace

Wednesday to Thursday evening (Sept 15 -16), at the sighting of the first star in the heavens, is the Jewish Festival of Yom Kippur, Day of Forgiveness. We ask for

Male Call

Project your success

Q. My husband is generally a good dresser; however, sometimes he wears clothes that make me wonder what he’s thinking. Can you explain to him the necessity of consistently wearing quality clothes .

Advice Goddess

When Hurry Met Sally and Plan Bae

When Hurry Met Sally I’m a guy in my 30s. I thought I’d found the love of my life. We had an incredible first few dates. We were so in

Male Call

Be like James Bond

Q. I ordered your book “Dress for Excellence” today; but can’t wait for it to arrive to know this answer. I recently made a purchase at Brooks Brothers, and, yes,

Advice Goddess

The Camera Sutra

The Camera Sutra I really like the girl I’m dating, except for one thing. On every date, she asks me to take photos of her for Instagram. Afterward, she consults

Risa's Astrology

Careful To Not Lose the Language of the Heart

In our Esoteric Institute we celebrate all major cultural and religious festivals throughout the year. When the Jewish Festival of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) begins, we know that autumn

Male Call

What do we do with our masks?

Q. Is there yet a protocol of what to do with your mask when not wearing it? Meaning, on entering our office building and walking through generic halls, we need to

Risa's Astrology

Virgo — Temple of Light, Temple of Day

Under Virgo (Madonna, Divine Mother, Mother of the World) humanity is called to cultivate the virtues of cleanliness and purity. Purity of thought, words and action, Purity of foods and

Advice Goddess

Disappear Pressure And Tales From The Decrypted

Disappear Pressure I recently met this guy, and we’ve spent the entire past week together. Unfortunately, he’s moving across the country — tomorrow. He asked whether I’d be open to