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Advice Goddess

About The Thighs Of It

This girl I met on a dating site attends another college, three hours away, so we’ve only talked on the phone.

Risa's Astrology

Hermes (Mercury) Retrogrades

Mercury, the wing-footed Hermes, retrogrades at 11:06 p.m. at 12 degrees Taurus.

Advice Goddess

The Dawg Whisperer

In the wake of revelations about Sandra Bullock’s cheating husband, I’m wondering about your take on why she’s with him.

Advice Goddess

Curtain Maul

I’m a theater performer, and there’s a tendency among theater people that disturbs me: dreadful over-the-top flirting.

Risa's Astrology

The Moon’s Influence

As the Sun moves through the last half of Aries, it’s best to begin projects this week — not next — because on April 18 Mercury retrogrades in Taurus.

Risa's Astrology

Easter, the Resurrection Festival

In the Christian liturgy, Thursday is celebrated as Holy Thursday the day of the Last Supper, when Christ gathered his disciples and instituted the priesthood and Holy Eucharist, the new dispensation.

Advice Goddess

Hope Against Nope

I’ve been seeing this guy for more than two years.

Advice Goddess

Moment Of ‘Poof!’

This guy I met online seemed so perfect when we talked on the phone.

Risa's Astrology

Aries, New Beginnings

We are in the realm of Aries now. Who and what is Aries?

Advice Goddess

Over My Dead Bodypaint

I agreed to be in a friend’s wedding, and unfortunately, she had to change the date to the day my boyfriend and I were going to Burning Man.