Wuss It Something I Said?
I’m 23 and not unsuccessful with women, just in finding one who wants to stick with me.
Petaling As Fast As He Can
I met my dream girl in my poker group in grad school. I recently moved far away to start my own company, but I plan to move back in about six months, once it’s up and running.
Rivals And Departures
I’ve been dating a guy I really like for a month. He’s been in a long-distance relationship with a woman since last spring. They spend a week together every couple of months, and were off and on for a few years prior.
The changing of the season
VIRGO: You will want to come out of the shadows and into a greater light. Standing in shadows, perhaps in the shadow of another is of comfort to you. However, there comes a time when we each must define ourselves, recognize our own self-identity, understand what we initiate, realize that we’re responsible, summon our confidence and seek a new support system.
Burning Man: Life In Cities
During this Mercury in Virgo retrograde (Aug. 20-Sept. 12), the Black Rock Arts Festival, Burning Man, the yearly “desert art-piece on the playas,” begins, distilling all facets of community creation,
Bye Now! (Pay Later)
There’s never a good time to break up with your girlfriend, but there is a really bad time, and that’s what I chose. I did it over the phone as
I started seeing this amazing guy but had to initiate most of the making out.
Mercury Retro In Virgo
THE WEEK: Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde Friday and lasts three weeks.
Awakening the Savior: Uranus Retros Back to Pisces
After intense planetary activity, including solar flares and impact to Earth’s magnetic field, the energies slow down.