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Advice Advice Goddess

Will You Flash Mob Me?

“Although the trend toward extreme proposing is surely the love child of reality TV and social media, it has something in common with the mythic quest — an epic mission

Advice Risa's Astrology

Divine Mercy, Annunciation And First New Moon Of Spring

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 4-10, 2013 There are four luminaries (Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus) in the fire sign of Aries this week. By Wednesday, there will be

Advice Advice Goddess

Stammer Time

I can’t talk to really pretty girls. If I’m talking to a girl I’m not that interested in or a dude, I’m golden. But if I’m attracted to a girl,

Advice Risa's Astrology

The Spirit of Resurrection, Holy Week, Passover & Easter

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Advice Risa's Astrology

Aries Spring Festival & Spirit Of Resurrection

  We are in the first week of spring. It is a potent week with many world conferences, potent astrological alignments and a solar festival with the Spirit of Resurrection


Weekend Brunch (And Many, Many Mimosas) With Friends

By Emily Smith Blazers make any outfit look better — more polished, pulled together — it’s just as simple as that. TIP 1: Keep a keen eye out for well-tailored

Advice Advice Goddess

The Math To True Love

“Women value men who don’t seem to be living by others’ dictates — men who are spontaneous and fun and don’t have a faraway look in their eyes because they’re

Advice Risa's Astrology

Atrology Is…

Mercury retro in Pisces turns stationary direct Sunday (St. Patrick’s Day). Mercury stands still for three days before slowly moving forward. All that we held off (big purchases, decisions) can

Advice Advice Goddess

Ex-Rated Movie

By Amy Alkon I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year. We were best friends and talked about everything — what our kids would be like, projects we’d do together,

Advice Advice Goddess

Ex-Rated Movie

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year. We were best friends and talked about everything — what our kids would be like, projects we’d do together, magical worlds, and