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Empty Shelly

When you say to your girlfriend “So, what are your thoughts on the Middle East?” you’d rather she didn’t respond, “Like, you mean, Philadelphia?”

Advice Risa's Astrology

Leo Solar Festival Full Moon

We continue in the month and Leo, the sign where humanity begins to recognize itself through it creativity and it love.

Risa's Astrology

In the Time of Leo – Our Creative Efforts

Leo creative efforts lead to a new identification of self. Leo is about understanding who we are through what we create. Leo streams through the three levels of the Sun – core, heart, rays of the Sun, the force behind the creation of Earth.

Advice Advice Goddess

Cheat Exhaustion

By Amy Alkon Cheat Exhaustion My girlfriend and I are mostly happy together, but we have this ongoing fight where she accuses me of wanting to cheat whenever I so

Advice Risa's Astrology

Mars Enters Scorpio – The Nine Tests

Over the years I’ve mentioned the Nine Tests of Mars and Scorpio. The tests are given to everyone – unawakened, beginning to awaken, and the awakened.

Advice Advice Goddess

Tales From The Cryptic

If you do want more from the relationship, you may be able to get it, but expecting a man to read your thoughts is like expecting your dog to understand algebra.

Advice Risa's Astrology

A Year of Creative Self-Expression – Jupiter in Leo

Wednesday, after a year in Cancer’s nourishing waters, Jupiter enters fiery Leo. Tuesday (next week), the Sun, joining Jupiter, also enters Leo.

Advice Advice Goddess

Pierre Pressure

In addition to his being an experienced 34 to your inexperienced 18, he’s also French. If there’s a French national sport, it’s probably seduction.

Advice Advice Goddess

Is This Deceit Taken?

After a certain point — the French tactfully call it “un certain age” — a woman’s birthday tends to come but once every two or three years.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Scarab Solar Festival Full Moon

We continue to be under the influence of Cancer (Ray 3, sign of liberty and freedom). Cancer is the Gate through which Spirit enters Matter.