The Sociopath Of Least Resistance
A woman like your girlfriend, with a history of dating shady guys, can find the most inconsequential things suspicious, down to the way you drip creamer into your coffee — surely Morse code telling that pretty woman across the cafe that you want to have sex with her.
Intensity, Change, Transformation – Mars, Uranus, Pluto
Mars/Uranus, Mars/Pluto, Mercury enters Pisces, Saturn Retrograde, Uranus square Pluto, Venus enters Taurus.
The Taming Of The Spew
Unfortunately, it’s the rare man who has a mind-reading helmet, and even if this one does, there’s a good chance it’s in the back of his closet under a pile of socks containing semen specimens from the mid-‘90s.
Week of Festivals – Full Moon, Lantern Festival, Purim, Holi
It is a week of many different festivals along with a full moon, all occurring simultaneously. Thursday Chinese New Year celebrations end with the Lantern Festival (at full moon).
The Wicked Witch Of The Westin
It’s great to find a woman who laughs at your wit, but not when she sounds like she’ll follow up with “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!”
Two Fish Bound by a Golden Cord
Until March 20th (Spring Equinox), Earth and her kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal, human) experience the influence of Pisces, sign of the World Savior.
Beak Experience
I recently started dating this new girl. I asked her whether her lips and boobs are real (and it turns out they are). However, I did call her out on
年节 Chinese New Year
This is the first week of Lent (purification, preparation) and according to the Luni-solar calendar, the Chinese Spring Festival/Lunar New Year of 2015 – Year of the Wood Sheep/Goat.
Avatars, Presidents, Valentines, Ashes, Lent & a New Moon
This is our last week of Aquarius (world Server). Next week (Wednesday) Sun enters Pisces (world Savior). Note the different esoteric tasks. Although it’s being denied, past structures of reality continue breaking down and dissolving.
Stay-At-Home Martyr
Kids these days grow up so fast. Before you know it, they’re 50 and back home doing bong hits in the basement.