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Risa's Astrology

Jupiter Retrogrades – Contemplation on Loving More

Jupiter, the planet of love and wisdom, and of all things good and benevolent, is retrograde in Gemini (thoughts, ideas, communication, interactions). Jupiter for the next four months is taking

Risa's Astrology

Forgiveness & Our Names Written in the Book of Life

We continue with the Days of Awe, our return to goodness. The ideas behind the Days of Awe are evolutionary, a word that means moving humanity forward and upward. Life

Risa's Astrology

New Moon Solar Eclipse, Days of Awe, a New Year & Apples Dipped in Honey

We are under the Light of Libra – a time of pausing, a time of rest, an interim when choices are made. We are also in the time of the

Risa's Astrology

Autumn’s Energy & Rhythm (Dosha)

Autumn (known as “midnight” in esoteric sciences; winter solstice is “dawn”) is a season of transition, between summer’s golden green and winter’s bare darkness. In trees and shrubs, we see

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Libra – Autumn – the Light That Moves to Rest

This Sunday, September 22, the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra and autumn begins. This year’s autumn equinox is accompanied by the morning star Mars and the evening stars of

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Inner Revolution/Revelations – Uranus Retrograde

When planets retrograde, shift and change signs, we change too. Our time references shift, new possibilities and opportunities occur, revolutions come and go, we begin to see and speak differently,

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Labor, Gratitude, Autumn & Spiritual Approach

Autumn is quickly approaching, with its many festivals, holidays and celebrations of light. It’s only weeks now ‘til autumn equinox, another summer passing, another season approaching. Notice the word “approach”, as

Risa's Astrology

Sirius Leo Virgo- the Light of August

We shift from Leo Sun to Virgo Sun this week. However, Mercury remains in Leo. ‘til September 10th so the messages from the heavens are in fact all about Leo.

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Burning Ground, Leo Full Moon & a Convention!

Leo Sun – under Leo humanity stands on what is called the “burning ground.” The triple fires of the Sun (Will, Love, Intelligence, spiritual, heart and rays of the Sun)

Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo…then in Leo!

The heavens are busy each day with the planets, sun and moon moving about, here and there touching in with each other, making contact, then moving on. Each planet and