April 22 (Friday)
DIY Herb Garden — All day, Fort Smith Public Library Miller Branch. Free. 646-3945.
Drop-In Tour — Sculpture, 1 p.m., Garrison Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Movie Matinee — “Phaedra,” a 1962 drama with Anthony Perkins, 1 p.m., Fort Smith Main Library. Free. fortsmithlibrary.org.
Family Fun — Earth Day, 6-8 p.m., Walker Landing at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Earth Day Concert — With Ensemble HanSori, 6 p.m., Great Hall at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. Tickets at 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Fayetteville Film Fest — Arkansas filmmakers, 7 p.m., Starr Theater at Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $15. waltonartscenter.org.
“Puffs” — “Or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic,” presented by the Young Actors Guild, 7 p.m. April 22, 2 & 7 p.m. April 23, 2 p.m. April 24, King Opera House in Van Buren. $10. weareyag.com.
“Charlotte’s Web” — Presented by Community School of the Arts, 7 p.m. April 22, 2 & 7 p.m. April 23 at St. Boniface auditorium, 201 N. 19th St. in Fort Smith. $10-$15. 434-2020 or csafortsmith.org.
“The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity” — 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Saturday-Sunday through May 8, TheatreSquared, 477 W. Spring St. in Fayetteville. $10-$54. 777-7477 or theatre2.org.

April 23 (Saturday)
Super Saturday — J’Aaron Merchant Story Time, 10 a.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
Bella Vista Crochet Group — 10 a.m., Bella Vista Public Library. Free. bvpl.org.
Discover the Grounds — Lichens With Sarah Hearn, 10:30 a.m.-noon, Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. Tickets at 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Turkey & The Wolf Pop-Up — Food from New Orleans’ Irish Channel neighborhood, 11 a.m. until sold out, Arvest Bank Courtyard at the Momentary in Bentonville. themomentary.org.
Studio Demo — Nicholas Hobbs, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., The Studio at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Gallery Talk — “Timeless Treasures: Native Plants of Arkansas,” 1 p.m., Garrison Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Discover the Grounds Workshop — Lichen Collages With Sarah Hearn, 1-3 p.m., Great Hall at Crystal Bridges Museum. $55. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Multilingual Story Time — “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” 4:30 & 6 p.m. on the Bentonville square. Hosted by the Bentonville Public Library. Free. bentonvillelibrary.org.
Book Signing — With Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz (Tewa/Xicana), author of the best-selling book “Earth Medicines,” 4:30 p.m., Museum of Native American History in Bentonville. Free. Register at monah.us.
“Romeo + Juliet” — Presented by Arts One Presents, 7 p.m. April 23, 2 p.m. April 24, Likewise, an historic building and multi-use space, at 70 N. College Ave. in Fayetteville. $20. artsonepresents.org.
April 24 (Sunday)
Earth Day — 1-5 p.m., Botanical Garden of the Ozarks, 4703 N. Crossover Road in Fayetteville. $5-$10. Register at www.bgozarks.org/earth-day-festival.
Landmark Lessons — A new program featuring paintings by John Bell Jr., and discussions of the history they depict, beginning with his “Marshals Series,” 2 p.m., Fort Smith Regional Art Museum. Free. 784-2787 or fsram.org.
Opera in the Ozarks Alumni Concert — With Grammy winning tenor David Adams and Rose Kearin, 2017 OiO veteran, 2:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 195 Huntsville Road, Eureka Springs. $20. 253-8595 or opera.org.
April 25 (Monday)
Drop-In Tour: Collection Highlights — 11:30 a.m. Monday, Thursday & Sunday, 2 p.m. Saturday, Garrison Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Drop-In Tour: Architecture — 1 p.m. Monday, Thursday, Sunday, Garrison Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
April 26 (Tuesday)
True Lit — An Evening With Meg Medina, 5 p.m., Event Center at Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
Sleuth or Consequences — “In the Woods” by Tana French, 6 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
“Cenicienta: A Bilingual Cinderella Story” — 7 p.m., Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $15. waltonartscenter.org.
April 27 (Wednesday)
Library Book Club — 9 a.m., Bella Vista Public Library. Free. bvpl.org.
Drop-In Tour: Big Picture — Art, architecture and nature, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, Garrison Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
3 In 30 — Three artworks in 30 minutes, 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, Garrison Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
An Evening With … — A conversation and film screening with Alice Walton, Aggie Gund, Darren Walker and Catherine Gund, 6 p.m., Great Hall at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. Tickets at 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
April 28 (Thursday)
True Crime Club — 5:30 p.m., Bella Vista Public Library. Free. bvpl.org.
Educator Speaker Series — Susie Lee and Geshe Thupten Dorjee, 6 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum via Zoom. Free. Tickets at 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Companion Planting — Native plants for vegetable gardens, 6 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
Visiting Artist Showcase — Matt Magerkurth, 6 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
Popovich Comedy Pet Theatre — 7 p.m., Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $16-$28. waltonartscenter.org.
April 29 (Friday)
Drop-In Tour — Sculpture, 1 p.m., Garrison Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Art By The Glass — With Kinya Christian, 6 p.m., Great Hall at Crystal Bridges Museum. $30. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
“Peter Pan” — Presented by Western Arkansas Ballet, 7 p.m. April 29; 2 p.m. April 30, ArcBest Performing Arts Center in Fort Smith. $20-$30. 785-0152 or waballet.org.
Film Development Conference — Hosted by the Arkansas Cinema Society, April 29-30, Thaden School in Bentonville. $75-$100. acs.eventive.org.
April 30 (Saturday)
A Morning with Keith O’Brien — A special book club meet & greet with Keith O’Brien, author of “Paradise Falls,” 10 a.m. & 11 a.m., Bentonville Public Library. Free. bentonvillelibrary.org.
Super Saturday — Inspyral Circus, 10 a.m., Event Center at Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
Gallery Talk — Wa Kuk Wa Jimor/Canoe of One Community, 1 p.m., Contemporary Art Gallery at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Majestic Mahler — With the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas, 7:30 p.m., Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. Sold out. Wait list info at 443-5600.
On Show
“Altars, Keepsakes, Squiggles, and Bows” — A site-specific installation by Julie Alpert looking at themes of nostalgia, girlhood, keepsakes, and staging, through May 16, Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
“The Light Fantastic” — New focus exhibition exploring the many ways that artists use light in their works, through May 30, Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
“The Wheel” — An exhibition of photos that “honors and observes lands once described as Indian Territory,” through June 5, Fort Smith Regional Art Museum. Free. 784-2787; fsram.org; chuckdavisphoto.com.
“The Dirty South” — Exploring themes of “Southern Landscape” — both the natural and man-made; “Sinners and Saints,” a religious and spiritual exploration; as well as “Black Corporality,” or the Black body in terms of its holding tradition and knowledge, through July 25, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville. $12. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
“Ken Smith’s Buffalo River Country” — Remembering the creation of the national river, through December, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History in Springdale. Free. 750-8165 or shilohmuseum.org.
“Math Moves! Experiencing Ratio and Proportion” — Allows kids and families to “playfully investigate ratios and proportions by using their bodies and gestures,” all year, Scott Family Amazeum in Bentonville. $10. amazeum.org.