Oct. 16 (Friday)
Arts, Crafts & More Fair — 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 16-17, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 18, Spanker Creek Farm, 8464 W. McNelly Road, Bentonville. Free. 685-5655, spankercreekfarm.com.
Ozark Regional Arts & Crafts Festival — 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 16-17, Washington County Fair Grounds, 2537 N. McConnell Ave. in Fayetteville. Free. 756-6954, craftfairsnwa.com.
It’s Fall Y’all Craft Fair — 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 16-18, Benton County Fairgrounds, 7640 S.W. Regional Airport Blvd., Bentonville. Free. 616-2997, liveloveeventsnwa.com.
Fandom Friday — Featuring a member of the RPL staff, noon, Rogers Public Library via Facebook or YouTube. Free. 621-1152.
Happy Hour at the AMP — 412 West, 4:30-10 p.m., Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion in Rogers. Free, but limited capacity; table reservation, $25. 443-5600, waltonartscenter.org.
“Colors of the Harp” — A SoNA event with Alisa Coffey, 6 p.m., Mount Sequoyah Center in Fayetteville. $10-$40. sonamusic.org.
LIVE! in NWA — Honeyjack, 6 p.m., George’s Majestic Lounge, Fayetteville. georgesmajesticlounge.com.
“The Journey” — With illusionist Scott Silven, 6 & 8 p.m. through Oct. 18, The Momentary via Zoom. $25. 657-2335, themomentary.org, scottsilven.com.
LIVE! in NWA — Comic Karen Rontowski, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16 & 6:30 p.m. & 9 p.m. Oct. 17, The Grove Comedy Club in Lowell. $15. grovecomedy.com.
Friday Nights on the Lawn — The Irie Lions, 7:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges, Bentonville. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
LIVE! in NWA — Travis McCready of Bishop Gunn, 8 p.m., Temple Live in Fort Smith. $20. templelive.com.
Oct. 17 (Saturday)
Spooky Show — With Brian and Terri Kinder, 10 a.m., Fayetteville Public Library via Facebook. faylib.org.
Maker Space at Your Place — Make something at home with the help of RPL staff, 10 a.m., Rogers Public Library via Facebook or YouTube. 621-1152.
Virtual Adult Art Workshop — Kitchen Screenprinting with Matthew Brandt, 12-1:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum via Zoom. $55. crystalbridges.org.
Fiction Addiction Book Club — “The House We Grew Up In” by Lisa Jewell, 2 p.m., Springdale Public Library via Zoom. springdalelibrary.org.
Saturday Cinema — “The Sun is Also a Star,” a modern love story, 2 p.m. & “Fiddler: Miracle of Miracles, a documentary that explores the Broadway musical, 7 p.m., Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $10. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
“Pops on the Border” — With the Fort Smith Symphony, 4 & 6 p.m., outdoors on the grounds of the U.S. Marshals Museum in Fort Smith. Sold out. 452-7575 or fortsmithsymphony.org.
Happy Hour at the AMP — Hot Lix, 4:30-10 p.m., Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion in Rogers. Free, but limited capacity; table reservation, $25. 443-5600, waltonartscenter.org.
LIVE! in NWA — McCuin, 9 p.m. with Miss Misery. Meteor Guitar Gallery, Bentonville. $10-$15. meteorguitargallery.com.
Oct. 18 (Sunday)
NWA Gridiron Show — Videos released Oct. 18 & 25 at nwagridiron.com. Free to view; all donations support the Northwest Arkansas chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

NWA Gridiron Show — Videos released Oct. 18 & 25 at nwagridiron.com. Free to view; all donations support the Northwest Arkansas chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.
“Ann” — Starring Sally Edmundson, the “fiery, funny, salty, and brash” former governor of Texas returns after a sold-out engagement in spring. Filmed live at TheatreSquared, this performance is available to stream at home through Nov. 1. theatre2.org.
Oct. 19 (Monday)
Shiloh Museum of Ozark History — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday; Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon are reserved for high-risk visitors only, 118 W. Johnson Ave. in Springdale. Free. 750-8165, shilohmuseum.org.
Oct. 20 (Tuesday)
Sunset Tai Chi — With Erik Hardin, 6 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville. $5. 657-2335.
LIVE! in NWA — Songwriter Panel, 6 p.m., Six-Twelve Coffeehouse, Fayetteville. 856-6382.
Oct. 21 (Wednesday)
Sandwiched In — “Mike the Birdman” with filmmaker John Burcham Erwin of Fayetteville, noon, on the Shiloh Museum’s YouTube channel. Free. Visit the museum’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/c/ShilohMuseumofOzarkHistory or call 750-8165.
LIVE! in NWA — Ben Harris, 6 p.m., Six-Twelve Coffeehouse, Fayetteville. 856-6382.
CB Sketchbook Club — With Charles Peer, 6:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum via Zoom. Free. Register at crystalbridges.org.
Oct. 22 (Thursday)
Rogers Historical Museum — Open 10-11 a.m. & 1-2 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, 313 S. Second St. in Rogers. Free. 621-1154.
“Reflections of The Black Experience” — Through February, Rogers Historical Museum, 313 S. Second St. in Rogers. Free. 621-1154.
Ozarktober — Pura Coco & Neako in concert, 6 p.m., Turnbow Park in downtown Springdale. Free. downtownspringdale.org.
Thursday Night Fright — “Hocus Pocus,” 6 p.m., & “Young Frankenstein,” 8:30 p.m., TempleLive in Fort Smith. $5 per film. fortsmith.templelive.com.
KUAF’s “The Movement That Never Was” — Conversations on Anti-Racism in the South and Arkansas with Kyle Kellams, 6 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library via Zoom. Free. fayliborg.
LIVE! in NWA — Jontavious Willis, 7:30 p.m., Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville. $32-$52. 443-5600.
Oct. 23 (Friday)

Virtual Architecture Tour — Frank Lloyd Wright’s Bachman-Wilson House, 11:30 a.m. Oct. 23, Crystal Bridges Museum via Zoom. Free. Register at crystalbridges.org.
Virtual Architecture Tour — Frank Lloyd Wright’s Bachman-Wilson House, 11:30 a.m., Crystal Bridges Museum via Zoom.Free. Register at crystalbridges.org.
Happy Hour at the AMP — Honeyjack, 4:30-10 p.m., Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion in Rogers. Free, but limited capacity; table reservation, $25. 443-5600, waltonartscenter.org.
Ozarktober — Family Night with take-home crafts & s’mores, 6-8 p.m., Turnbow Park in downtown Springdale. Free. downtownspringdale.org.
Virtual Art by the Glass — Bookmaking with Olivia Fredricks, 6:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum via Zoom. Free. Register at crystalbridges.org.
Music on the Mountain — With Route 358, 7 p.m., Mount Sequoyah Center in Fayetteville. $25 & up per family “circle.” mountsequoyah.org.
Victory Film Series — “Drag Me To Hell,” 7 p.m., Arkansas Public Theatre at the Victory in downtown Rogers. $10. arkansaspublictheatre.org.
Friday Nights on the Lawn — With Alisha Pattillo, 7:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
LIVE! in NWA — Comic Drew Thomas, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 23 & 6:30 p.m. & 9 p.m. Oct. 24, The Grove Comedy Club in Lowell. $15. grovecomedy.com.
LIVE! in NWA — Day After Sunday, 8 p.m., Meteor Guitar Gallery, Bentonville. $5-$12. meteorguitargallery.com.
LIVE! in NWA — Opal Agafia and the Sweet Nothings, 9 p.m., George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville. $10. georgesmajesticlounge.com.
Oct. 24 (Saturday)
Oktoberfest — With beers, brats and other gourmet handheld delights for sale, 2-8 p.m., South Lawn at Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville. Admission is free; no reservations required. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Happy Hour at the AMP — The Juice, 4:30-10 p.m., Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion in Rogers. Free, but limited capacity; table reservation, $25. 443-5600, waltonartscenter.org.
Saturday Cinema — Mel Brooks’ “High Anxiety,” a comedic roast of the horror genre, 2 p.m. & Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds,” 7 p.m., Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $10. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.

Artists in Education Exhibition — Featuring fiber art by Eureka Springs School of the Arts founder Eleanor Lux (pictured) along with works by Clear Springs art teacher Rigdon Irvin, NWACC instructor Sean Fitzgibbon and ESSA instructor Shawna St James, through mid-December, First National Bank of NWA, 402 S.W. A St. in Bentonville. Email bank art director Zeek Taylor at zeek.taylor@cox.net.
LIVE! in NWA — Trillium Salon Series with Sam King and Kevin Blagg, 7 p.m., Mount Seqouyah Center in Fayetteville. $10-$35. mountsequoyah.org.
Victory Film Series — John Carpenter’s “Halloween,” 7 p.m., Arkansas Public Theatre at the Victory in downtown Rogers. $10. arkansaspublictheatre.org.
LIVE! in NWA — Alex Di Leo, 8 p.m., TempleLive in Fort Smith. $20-$40. fortsmith.templelive.com.
LIVE! in NWA — Standup comedy with Raj Suresh & Friends, 9 p.m., George’s Majestic Lounge, Fayetteville. $10. georgesmajesticlounge.com.
Oct. 25 (Sunday)
Oktoberfest — With beers, brats and other gourmet handheld delights for sale, 2-8 p.m., South Lawn at Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville. Admission is free; no reservations required. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Oct. 29 (Thursday)
Virtual Ghost Walk — 7 p.m., online via Rogers Historical Museum. Free. Register at evenbrite. com or call 621-1154.
Oct. 31
Saturday Cinema — “Hocus Pocus,” 2 p.m. & “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” 7 p.m., Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $10 for the matinee, $15 for the evening screening, plus a prop bag will be available for $10. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.