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8 Days a Week

8 Days A Week

Sept. 20 (Friday) Distinguished Speaker Series — With producer, writer, entrepreneur, advocate Tonya Lewis Lee, 7 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville. $15. Register at 657-2335. “Born Yesterday” — This

Cover Story

Better Than Ever

APT pours new life in to ‘Rocky Horror’ BECCA MARTIN-BROWN There’s an old adage about dogs: Everybody thinks theirs is the best. And nobody is wrong. The same might


REVIEW: Blue Man Group receive key to city, leave Fayetteville ‘Speechless’

BMG receive key to city, leave Fayetteville ‘Speechless’ JOCELYN MURPHY NWA Democrat-Gazette International entertainment phenomenon the Blue Man Group officially premiered their new show “Speechless” at the Walton Arts Center

Male Call

Fashion Week

Q. I saw a clip on the news about Fashion Week in New York and some camp theme or something. I remember you wrote interesting information last year about Fashion