The Flavors Of Jazz

The Flavors Of Jazz

Artists keep music entertainment, not education


Peter Martin says it was the “improvisation, freedom, communication, groove and joy” he first heard in jazz that drew him to the genre. And those elements are what still speak to him when the acclaimed pianist listens to or plays jazz today. He brings that uninhibited spirit to his performances with Brazilian guitarist Romero Lubambo Sept. 7 at the Guisinger Music House (Roots Festival HQ) in Fayetteville.

“We strive to always have a performance that includes as much spontaneous creativity and interaction as possible,” Martin says of the duo. “This means that we rehearse and plan what we’re going to do only up to a point. That way, we can be open to the elements of the performance that present themselves — the audience, physical space, each other’s ideas — in the moment. That means higher risk that some things go wrong, but the reward (if done well) is something exciting and unexpected to both the performers, and the audience, together, and live in the moment.”

The two musicians’ backgrounds vary in origin but not in soul as they merge two flavors of jazz together. The main foundation Martin and Lubambo share, Martin reveals, is jazz and blues. They blend the musical heritages of Brazil, New Orleans, classical music — and plenty of influences in between — through that filter of jazz and blues. But, Martin asserts, that doesn’t mean a listener must be steeped in the traditions or infrastructure of these genres to enjoy his performances.

“The music needs to (and easily can be) inviting to the audience, not something they should be scared of or bored by,” he says. “But artists must tailor the music in that way, and that’s what I try and do. It’s not about watering down the music, or pandering to the audience, but rather organizing and presenting it in a way that the wonderful elements of jazz that make it special are highlighted and more easily accessible to the audience. I don’t believe audiences should have to do homework to enjoy one of my shows; I see it more as entertainment than a lesson.”



Peter Martin & Romero Lubambo Duo

WHEN — 7 & 9:30 p.m. Sept. 7

WHERE — Guisinger Music House, 1 E. Mountain St., Fayetteville

COST — $20-$35


Categories: Maker Space