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Male Call

That tie thing

Q. For years I have tucked my tie into my shirt as they do in the military when eating or washing my hands. Recently someone made fun of this look

Family Friendly

Missy Gipson

Actor, director, playwright, choreographer, mom, Pilot Arts founder Q. Five years ago, what effect did you want to have on the arts in Northwest Arkansas and the River Valley? A.

8 Days a Week

8 Days A Week

Jan. 4 (Friday) Meditation Workshop — With Amita Rathore, 9 a.m., Fayetteville Public Library. First of four sessions. Free. Winter Break Wonders — 1-4 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum in

In The News

Jason Suel

Actor, director, teacher, comic, emcee, TV host Q. Five years ago, what effect did you want to have on the arts in Northwest Arkansas? A. Five years ago, I was

Risa's Astrology

The New Year — Signs in the Heavens

We begin the new year with Mars entering Aries (new realities, new endeavors), two eclipses (the old ways disappear), a new moon, and Uranus (disruption, surprises, new rhythms) turning direct

Advice Goddess

Gramping Her Style and Debt Valley

Gramping Her Style My friend just joined a dating site for elite creative professionals. Unfortunately, it grabs your age from Facebook, so you can’t shave off years. At 50, she’s


Art OverView

Art shows opening across Northwest Arkansas Now 50th Collectors Show and Sale — Artworks carefully curated from New York’s finest galleries, ends Jan. 6, Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock.

'Tis the Season

Looking Back

Writer revisits moments that made 2018 unforgettable JOCELYN MURPHY I’d like to tell you about my year, if you’ll indulge me. In preparing for the annual year-end coverage for

Making Ripples

You Can’t Win

If you don’t at least try AMANDA BANCROFT Making Ripples The new year of 2019 just trotted in, pulling a wagon of possibilities with it. Each of us has the