Community programs offer activities for kids
Northwest Arkansas public schools will celebrate spring break the week of March 19-23. While the halcyon call of “No school!” can be a thrill for the kids, finding activities for the younger set can be difficult for some working parents. Northwest Arkansas has you covered: The Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette found some great activities throughout the region, at all price points, that might be just the thing to make everybody happy that week.
Fayetteville Public Library
401 W. Mountain St.
• Movies at the Library, 2 p.m. March 19-23, free.
• Spring break daytime lock-in, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. March 22; grades kindergarten to fourth; free.
Children enjoy an afternoon of games, crafts, pizza and snacks. Lunch will be provided, along with three hours of spring break fun. Registration required.
Yvonne Richardson Community Center
240 E. Rock St.
• Superhero Academy, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 19-23; ages 6 to 12; $5 nonrefundable deposit.
Children can find their inner superheros at the YRCC. Master the superhero challenge course, create a superhero costume and learn how to be a superhero in the community. Spots are filled, but a waiting list is available.
Community Creative Center
505 W. Spring St.
• Beginner pottery wheel camp, 9 to 11:30 a.m. March 19-23; ages 8 to 14; $125.
• Intermediate pottery wheel camp, 12:30 to 3 p.m. March 19-23; ages 8 to 14; $125.
ArtsLive Theatre

The Free Weekly/ANDY SHUPE
Arts Live Theatre camps are always a popular spring break option for drama-loving kids. Here, instructor Jules Taylor helps a group of budding actors achieve their stage dreams.
818 N. Sang Ave.
• Let’s Create a Play Together! 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. March 19-23; ages 5 to 8; $110.
Aspiring thespians will create their own play. Students will perform the play based on their own ideas and characters on the final day of camp. Young actors will learn performance skills, the importance of working as a team, cooperation and collaboration.
• Broadway Bound Theatre, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. March 19-23; ages 9 to 12; $130.
Kids will spend each session learning material and developing singing and dancing skills essential for every musical theater performer and any student who is interested in becoming a well-rounded actor. Material from current Broadway shows will be performed in a public performance the final day of camp.
• Stage Combat, 11:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. March 19-23; ages 9 to 12; $110.
Young actors learn to slap, pull hair, a bit of sword work and how to safely stage fight. Young actors will also learn performance skills, the importance of working as a team, cooperation and collaboration and give a public performance the final day of camp.
Mount Sequoyah Day Camps
150 N. Skyline Dr.
• Food and fitness, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 20; ages 5 to 12; $55 a day or $150 all three days.
Apple Seeds will lead a farm to table cooking class at the Apple Seeds teaching farm. Campers will go into the gardens to harvest ingredients and make a healthy meal together in the teaching kitchen. Campers also will enjoy fun fitness, yoga, games and more at Mount Sequoyah.

The nonprofit organization Apple Seeds will be working with the Mount Sequoyah Day Camp program on March 20. Children will harvest vegetables from the Apple Seeds garden and learn to prepare them for a meal in the teaching kitchen.
• Art and drama, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 21; ages 5 to 12; $55 a day or $150 all three days.
TheatreSquared will lead a segment about drama, and campers will get to experience the art of weaving and participate in other various other arts and crafts activities.
• Sport and outdoor, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 22; ages 5 to 12; $55 a day or $150 all three days.
Campers play a variety of sports, including tennis, dodge ball, soccer, archery and Gaga ball. They will also go on a hike and participate in other nature activities.
Paper and Thread Studio
1613 E. Ridgeway Dr.
• My First Sewing Box, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 20-22; ages 5 and older; $195.
Children will create their very own sewing boxes — a pin cushion, sew a button pouch, a needle case and more.
Terra Studios

The Community Creative Center offers pot-making classes for children at both the beginner and advanced levels the week of spring break.
12103 Hazel Valley Rd.
• Clay pinch pot class, 11 to 11:30 a.m. March 19-24; all ages; $5.
Each student will create and design his own little pinch pot out of clay.
• Clay owl class, 1 to 2 p.m. March 19; ages 7 and older; $15.
Students will create owls built from two pinch pots. Students use their imaginations to create their own character.
• Hula Hoop Hoopla, 3 to 4 p.m. March 20; all ages; $15.
Each student will create and design a custom hula hoop, then learn a few fancy tricks with the hoop.
• Clay turtle class, 3 to 4 p.m., March 24; ages 7 and older; $15.
Students will build their own turtles from pinch pots.
• Small clay castle, 3 to 4p.m. March 23; ages 7 and older; $15
Children can imagine getting ready to defend their fortresses while they make their very own small clay castles.
Fayetteville Athletic Club
2920 E. Zion Road
• Arts and crafts, swimming, gym games, sports and a field trip to Fun City.
7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 19-23; ages 5-12; $29.95 for members, $39.95 for nonmembers.
Springdale Public Library
405 S. Pleasant St.
• Craft Make and Take, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. March 19; all ages; free.
Drop by the children’s craft area, and create a craft to take home.
• Lego Challenge Fun, 1 to 4 p.m. March 19; all ages; free.
Come to the Children’s Area and take the daily challenge or create your own Lego fun.
• Sewing Club workshop, session 1, 1 to 2:30 p.m. March 20; ages 10-14; free.
Each participant will make a pillowcase and another project, if time permits. Each session is limited to 14 participants (Parents are encouraged to stay and help.) Registration at the Children’s Desk required.
• Sewing Club workshop, session 2, 3 to 4:30 p.m. March 21; ages 10-14; free.
Each participant will make a pillowcase and another project, if time permits. Each session is limited to 14 participants (Parents are encouraged to stay and help.) Registration at the Children’s Desk required.
• Movie time, 2 to 4 p.m. March 22; all ages; free.
• Minecraft Challenge, 2 to 4 p.m. March 22-23; all ages; free.
The Springdale Public Library Minecraft server will be set to “creative” and “survivor” modes for this challenge. Test those Minecraft skills in this more difficult Minecraft world.
The Jones Center
922 E. Emma Ave.
12 to 5 p.m. March 19-25
Recreation venues — including the indoor pools complex and ice arena — will be open extended hours with special discounted rates. Swim, ice skate or both for just $3 a person. Movies will be shown all week long. See website for more details.
Rogers Public Library

The Free Weekly/ANDY SHUPE
Rogers Public Library has several craft sessions planned for the week of spring break.
711 S. Dixieland Road
• Teen spring break movie marathon, 3 p.m. March 22; ages 13-18; free.
Batman vs. Superman and Justice League will be shown.
• Full STEAM Ahead, March 22; 3:30 p.m.; ages 5-12; free.
Children and their caregivers will explore science, technology, engineering, art and math via experiments and creativity. Students younger than 7 must be accompanied by adults at all times.
Young Chefs Academy
• Baking Mysteries Uncovered, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 20-23; ; $190.
Campers will puree, whip and bake their way to a cinnamon swirl bread, donuts, crepes and much more.
Bentonville Public Library
405 S. Main St.
• How-To Festival, 1 to 3 p.m. March 24; all ages; free.
A high-intensity, interactive learning event.
Bentonville Community Center
1101 S.W. Citizens Circle
• Camp Basketball, 9 a.m. to noon March 19-21; grades 1-7; $90 for members, $100 for nonmembers.
The Arkansas Hoops skills academy will focus on the basic fundamentals of basketball, including shooting, passing, dribbling and defense. Camp is limited to 80 campers. Registration through Monday.
• Camp Soccer

For the sporty kids, Camp Bentonville offers several sports camps, including soccer and basketball.
8 to 9 a.m. March 19-23: First Kicks (Ages 3-5), $110
9 noon March 19-23, Half Day (Ages 6-9), $150
1 to 4 p.m. March 19-23, Half Day (Ages 10-16), $150
Camp Soccer will help children develop technical ball skills, body mechanics and passing and shooting techniques. Campers will work with Challenger Sports professional soccer coaches.
• Camp Lego — Pirates Mixed Camp
Session one: 9 a.m. to noon March 19-23
Session two: 1 to 4 p.m. March 19-23
Grades 1-7; $135 for members, $145 for nonmembers
Explore the popular culture behind the life of a pirate. Build a motorized pirate ship, a capstan, a helm and an anchor. Protect the hands on deck by building a launching trebuchet. Each student will get to pick his own mini-figure to take home at the end of the camp. Please send a snack and a drink with your camper each day.
Trike Theatre
209 N.E. Second St.
• Broadway Bound, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 19-23; grades kindergarten through sixth; $50 a day or $200 for the week.
Young artists will stretch their acting, vocal and dance skills with classic Broadway tunes.
Scott Family Amazeum
1009 Museum Way
• Wheels, Wings and Motorized Things, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 19-23; ages 6-11; $250 for members, $300 for nonmembers.
Inspired by the Amazeum’s temporary exhibition, “Hot Wheels: Race to Win,” endless tracks and obstacle courses await every camper as they discover the world of physical science. Momentum, force and friction are just some of the concepts campers will explore as they learn about what makes all things go.
Prairie Grove
Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park
506 E. Douglas St.
• Pioneer craft day camp, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 23; ages 8-12; $12.
Students will experience pioneer life through hands-on pioneer “craft ” activities. This camp will focus on the skills common to the Ozark frontier, such as fire-building, Dutch oven cooking, as well as basic craft techniques such as weaving, tin stamping, and candle dipping. Registration is required.