8 Days A Week
[nggallery id=7]THURSDAY, SEPT. 23
Art and Music
BLUES LEGEND B.B. KING — 7 p.m., Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville. $58-$100. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
POETRY WORKSHOP FOR UA STUDENTS — with poet J.W. Baz, 5:30 p.m., University of Arkansas. Register at upcoffee@uark.edu.
FALL ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR — 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 24-25 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 26 in Eureka Springs. Artist demonstrations, works for sale, Free self-guided tour. eurekaspringsstudiotour.com.
Stage and Screen
“NO ONE CAN FIX YOU” — one man play with poet J.W. Baz, 8 p.m., Union Theater, University of Arkansas.
Art and Music
STEVE HOWELL TRIO — 8 p.m., GoodFolk Productions, Fayetteville. $15. 521-1812 or www.goodfolk.org.
Stage and Screen
“CHARLOTTE’S WEB” — 3 p.m., Arts Center of the Ozarks, 214 S. Main St., Springdale. artscenteroftheozarks.org or 751-5441.
Art and Music
EUREKAPALOOZA — music festival, Sept. 25, benefiting Clear Spring School, noon until after dark, Lake Leatherwood City Park, Eureka Springs. Featuring The Ariels, Kory Montgomery Band, Cool Clear Water, David Singleton, Fossils of Ancient Robots, Honky Suckle and more. $15, free for children younger than 12. 253-7888 or www.eurekapalooza.com.
ANNUAL BRIDAL EVENT — 12:30 to 5 p.m., John Q. Hammons Convention Center, Rogers. Showcase of vendors. Grand giveaway, doorprizes and a runway fashion show. Tickets available at the door. Doors open at noon.
Stage and Screen
“THE FLUORIDE DECEPTION” — film, 2 p.m., Walker Room, Fayetteville Public Library. 444-7571.
CITIZEN COPE — 7 p.m. Sept. 29 at the AMP at the Northwest Arkansas Mall. $25. amptickets.com.
EASTON CORBIN — 7 p.m. Sept. 30 at the AMP at the Northwest Arkansas Mall. $10-$30. amptickets.com.
OZARK BLUES SOCIETY’S BLUES CHALLENGE — 2 to 7 p.m., Sept. 30, Crown Royal Stage, Northwest Arkansas Mall. www.ozarkbluessociety.org.
BANNED BOOK WEEK — Sept. 25-Oct. 2 at Nightbird Books in Fayetteville. nightbirdbooks.com or 443-2080.
CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP — 6:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays in Fayetteville. For aspiring and experienced authors. With author and teacher, Gabrielle Idlet. $15 per night. gidlet@gmail.com or 966-5935.
ARKANSAS PLAYWRIGHTS WORKSHOP — 6:30 p.m. two Mondays a month in Fayetteville. Free; actors, directors and walk-ins welcome. Dates and locations vary. For current information, bob@theatresquared.org or 445-6333.
FAYETTEVILLE FARMERS’ MARKET — 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays through Nov. 20 on the Fayetteville Square. Music by Odis Elevator & The Flights this Saturday. FARMINGTON FARMERS MARKET — 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays in downtown Farmington. fayettevillefarmersmarket.org or 236-2910.
FAYETTEVILLE HORSESHOE PITCHING — late afternoon until dark Mondays at the Walker Park horseshoe pits in Fayetteville. $8-$16 membership per year. Fayetteville Tournaments: July 24, and Aug. 14. arkansashorseshoepitching.com or 871-4948.
Mind, Body, Spirit
FAYETTEVILLE QUAKERS — 9 to 10:15 a.m. Sundays and 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the United Campus Ministries Building, 902 W. Maple St. in Fayetteville. fayettevillefriends.org or 888-909-1110.
WATER EXERCISE CLASSES — 9 to 9:50 a.m., 10 to 10:50 a.m. and 11 to 11:50 a.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Jones Center. $25 per month. Water Movement, Arthritis Aqua and Fibro Fit. The Jones Center in Springdale has indoor and outdoor walking tracks and trails, and the Fitness Center has weights and equipment for use, all for free. dhenders@jcf.jonesnet.org or 756-8090 ext. 3518.
SPIRITUAL LIVING GROUP — 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Ozark Research Institute, 221 S. Locust Ave., Fayetteville. anewdawnspirituallivingcenter.bbnow.org or 200-6319.
COURSE IN MIRACLES — 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at Unity of Fayetteville, 4880 Wedington Drive in Fayetteville. 442-0680.
BUDDHIST MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL SUPPORT GROUP — 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Arkansas Yoga Center in Fayetteville. 521-2395.
DHARMA TALK — 11 a.m. Sundays at Dramis Hardwood Floors, 2275 S. School Ave. in Fayetteville. With Tibetan Buddhist Monk Ven. Geshe Thupten Dorjee. artibet.net or 587-8920.
HEALING MEDITATION — 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Ozark Research Institute. 582-9197 or www.ozarkresearch.org.
JONES CENTER JUGGLING CLUB — 5:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Jones Center for Families. Beginners welcome. jonesnet.org or 756-8090 ext. 518.
MORE FOR YOUR MONDAYS TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOPS — 6 to 7 p.m. Mondays at Community Access Television in Fayetteville. Technological problems demystified; subject matter directed by attendees. Free; no registration. No class on fifth Mondays. 444-3433.
DANCE LESSONS — Intermediate Plus Line Dance: 6 to 7 p.m., Beginner Line Dancing: 7 to 8 p.m., and Beginner Couples: 8 to 9 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays at Country Dance Club, 1400 S. Young St. in Springdale. Two-step, double two-step, waltz, cha-cha, and more. Family friendly, nonsmoking. $5 per person. countrydanceclub.org or 751-9845.
EFFECTIVE AND COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION — nine-week course, 5:15 to 7:15 p.m., Tuesdays, Unity of Fayetteville. Reservations needed. 397-2108.
FAYETTEVILLE INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCERS — 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Mount Comfort Presbyterian Church Hall. First 30-minutes devoted to teaching/learning. $3; first time free. 283-9947.
GENEALOGY CLASSES — 10 to 11:15 a.m. Sept. 20, Sept. 27, Oct. 4, Senior Center, Fayetteville. Trip to Fayetteville Public Library Genealogy Station on Oct. 18. Free. Register at 571-2920.
LIFT WITH FRANCES — 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays; WII BOWLING LEAGUE, LINE DANCING and ACRYLIC PAINTS — 10 a.m. Tuesdays; USE IT OR LOSE IT WITH JIMMY CULP — 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; TAI CHI — 10 a.m. Fridays; BRAIN AEROBICS — 10 a.m. Wednesdays, CANASTA — 12:30 p.m. Wednesdays, BINGO — 10 a.m. Thursdays, MAHJONG — 12:30 p.m. Thursdays, BRIDGE — 12:30 p.m. Fridays at the Fayetteville Senior Activity and Wellness Center, 945 S. College Ave. 571-2920.
BEGINNING LINE DANCING — 9 a.m. Tuesdays at the Fayetteville Senior Activity and Wellness Center, 945 S. College Ave. 571-2920.
BRIDGE — 12:30 p.m. Fridays at the Fayetteville Senior Activity and Wellness Center, 945 S. College Ave. 571-2920.
BALANCED BODIES — 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. Fridays; STRETCH AND FLEX — 9 to 9:50 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Jones Center in Springdale. Free. The Jones Center in Springdale has indoor and outdoor walking tracks and trails, and the Fitness Center has weights and equipment for use, all for free. thejonescenter.org or 756-8090.
FLU SHOTS — 10 a.m. to noon, Tuesdays, Senior Center, Fayetteville. Free for Medicare card holding seniors. 571-2920.
Auditions, Entries, Volunteers
FOSTER HOMES FOR DOGS — About 125 foster homes, plus 50 to 75 standby foster homes, needed for Fayetteville Animal Shelter dogs Oct. 9 to Nov. 17 during renovations. Application at www.accessfayetteville.org/government/animal_services or 444-3456.
TOYS DESIGNED BY ARTISTS EXHIBITION — Annual show runs Dec. 17 through Feb. 20, 2011. Up to three original works per artist created within the last two years and not previously submitted. $15 for first entry, $10 for each additional entry. For complete information, toys@arkarts.com, arkarts.com or 501-372-4000.
FIRST THURSDAY ART PROGRAM — for a street sidewalk art program to take place during First Thursday on the Square in downtown Fayetteville. Applications due the 20th of the month through November. Artists must be available to show and present their works from 5 to 8 p.m. for the entire First Thursday event. FirstThursdayFayetteville.com/apply or 521-5776.
SCREENPLAYS FOR OZARK FOOTHILLS FILMFEST — due Dec. 15 for the Ozark Foothills FilmFest Screenwriting Competition. For writers who have not yet had a work produced or optioned. $20. ozarkfoothillsfilmfest.org or 870-251-1189.
MOVIES FOR OZARK FOOTHILLS FILMFEST — due Jan. 1 for the Ozark Foothills FilmFest, 195 Peel Road, Locust Grove, AR 72550. Filmmakers age 18 and younger, please submit works to T Tauri Youth Film Festival, ttauri.org. Several genres and specifications. $10 entry fee. For full details, ozarkfoothillsfilmfest.org or 870-251-1189.
OMNI CENTER FOR PEACE, JUSTICE AND ECOLOGY — volunteers needed for table on Saturdays at Fayetteville Farmers’ Market. jbennet@uark.edu.

Photo: Henry Horenstein; courtesy of art2art Circulating Exhibitions Grandpa Jones and his wife, Ramona, at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tenn., in 1974. This photo is part of the "Honky Tonk: Portraits of Country Music 1972-1981" exhibit on display through Nov. 6 at the Rogers Historical Musuem. For more information, call 621-1154 or visit www.rogersarkansas.com/museum.

Photo: Henry Horenstein; courtesy of art2art Circulating Exhibitions Grandpa Jones and his wife, Ramona, at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tenn., in 1974. This photo is part of the "Honky Tonk: Portraits of Country Music 1972-1981" exhibit on display through Nov. 6 at the Rogers Historical Musuem. For more information, call 621-1154 or visit www.rogersarkansas.com/museum.
ANNE KITTRELL ART GALLERY — Arkansas Union, Fayetteville. 575-5255. “In My Lines of Vision” by artist John Well-Off-Man through Oct. 8
ARSAGA’S — 1582 Crossover Road Suite 2, Fayetteville. arsagas.org or 527-0690.
ARSAGA’S — 2418 N. Gregg Ave., Fayetteville. arsagas.org or 444-6557. “Abstracted Nature” by photographer Tony Boyd, through Oct. 5.
ARTS CENTER OF THE OZARKS — 214 S. Main St., Springdale. artscenteroftheozarks.org or 751-5441. Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas Friday through Sept. 10.
BENTONVILLE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU — 104 E. Central St. on the square in Bentonville. 271-9153.
BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE OZARKS — 4703 N. Crossover Road in Fayetteville. bgozarks.org or 750-2620.
CENTER FOR ART AND EDUCATION — 104 N. 13th St., Van Buren. art-ed.org or 474-7767.
CITIZENS BANK GALLERY — 116 E. Buchanan St., Prairie Grove. 790-0342 or 846-2738.
THE COMMON GROUNDS — 412 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. commongroundsar.com or 442-3515. Window decorations by The New School student artists of Christina Mariatti throughout 2010.
CORNER GIFT SHOP — 3582 N. Arkansas 112, Fayetteville. 521-2674. Art by more than 15 local artists and craftsmen.
CRYSTAL BRIDGES AT THE MASSEY — 125 W. Central Ave., Bentonville. massey.crystalbridges.org or 418-5700.
DDP GALLERY — 7 E. Mountain St., Fayetteville. ddpgallery.com or 442-0001.
FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY — 401 W. Mountain St., Fayetteville. faylib.org or 856-7105.
FAYETTEVILLE UNDERGROUND GALLERY — East Square Plaza Basement, 1 E. Center St., Fayetteville. FayettevilleUnderground.com or 387-1534.
FOUR SQUARE FINE ART GALLERY — 3996 Frontage Road Suite 2 in Fayetteville. foursquarefineart.com or 422-8607. Works by Timothy C. Tyler, Robert Andes, Golsa Yaghoobi, Robert Glick, Cindy Wiseman, David Mudrinich, MM Kent, Doug Randall, John L Newman, Nichelle Wilson-Parish, Amber Perrodin, Suzanne Countryman, Szilvie Kadas, Hisai Kamamura Yale and Kirk Lanier.
HEARTWOOD GALLERY — An Artists’ Collective. 428 S. Government St., Fayetteville. 444-0888. Jewelry, pottery, glass, handmade books, textiles, sculpture, photography, paintings, drawings, mixed media, music CDs, wood turnings. More than 30 local artists.
JAMMIN JAVA — 21 W. Mountain St., Fayetteville, 443-2233.
JULIE WAIT DESIGNS ART GALLERY — 318 S. First St., Rogers. JulieWaitDesigns.com or 631-8706. Watercolors by Beth Woessner Monday through Sept. 14. Paintings by Karrie Evenson through Friday.
LONG GALLERY — Vol Walker Hall, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Architecture.uark.edu or 575-4704.
MAYAPPLE — 546 W. Center St., Fayetteville. 206-715-3271.
MULLINS LIBRARY — University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. libinfo.uark.edu/info/art exhibit.asp or 575-6702.
OZARK FOLKWAYS — 22733 N. U.S. 71, Winslow. ozarkfolkways.org or 634-3791.
THE PERK — 3980 W. Wedington Drive, Fayetteville. 251-7375.
POOR RICHARD’S ART — 116 S. First St., Rogers. poorrichardsart.com or 636-0417. Works by Helen Thomas and Hank Barnes through August.
ROGERS LITTLE THEATER — 116 S. Second St., Rogers. rogerslittletheater.org or 631-8988.
TEATRO SCARPINO — 329 N. West Ave., Fayetteville. scarpino.com or 409-3772.
TERRA STUDIOS, MUSE GALLERY AND COFFEEHOUSE — 12103 Hazel Valley Road in Durham. terrastudios.com or 800-255-8995. 35 regional artists, 10-acre art park with murals and sculpture installations. Home of the original Bluebird of Happiness.
ULTRA STUDIOS — 118 W. South St., Fayetteville. ultrastudios.org or 935-4040.
UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FINE ARTS CENTER GALLERY — Fayetteville. 575-7987. “At the Edge of Eden” by Terry Rowlett, through Oct. 1. Reception at 5 p.m. Sept. 23. www.terryrowlett.com.
UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS STUDENT GALLERY (sUgAR) — 114 Central Ave., Bentonville. 236-1667. “Leaving a mark: en el barro Dejando la marca: in clay” through Sept. 18.
ARKANSAS AIR MUSEUM — Drake Field, 4290 S. School Ave., Fayetteville. 521-4947. Aircraft from all eras of aviation history.
ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER — Ninth and Commerce streets, Little Rock. ArkArts.com or 501-372-4000.
GRAVETTE HISTORICAL MUSEUM — 503 Charlotte St. SE, Gravette. 787-7334. Early 1900s restored home with displays representing Gravette’s history.
MUSEUM OF NATIVE AMERICAN ARTIFACTS — 202 S.W. O St., Bentonville. museumofnativeamericanartifacts.org or 273-2456. Free self-guided audio tours of Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian and tribal artifacts.
PEA RIDGE NATIONAL MILITARY PARK — 15930 U.S. 62, Garfield. 451-8122. Self-guided road tour, 10-mile hiking trail, Civil War museum and bookstore.
PEEL MANSION MUSEUM AND HISTORIC GARDENS — 400 S. Walton Blvd., Bentonville. 273-9664. 1875 Italianate mansion with historic roses and plants.
PRAIRIE GROVE BATTLEFIELD STATE PARK — 506 E. Douglas St., U.S. 62, Prairie Grove. 846-2990. Civil War battlefield with original buildings.
PRICE TOWER ARTS CENTER — 510 Dewey Ave., Bartlesville, Okla. pricetower.org or 877-424-2424.
ROGERS HISTORICAL MUSEUM — 322 S. Second St., Rogers. 621-1154. rogersarkansas.com/museum. “Rogers Auto-Biography: An Automotive History of Rogers” through 2011.
SHILOH MUSEUM — 118 W. Johnson Ave., Springdale. 750-8165. springdalear.gov/shiloh. Exhibits of early life in the Ozarks. Original buildings on the grounds. “All Dressed Up” on clothing finery, through Jan. 22. “Answering the Call,” the history of the Springdale Fire Department, through Sept. 18. “Down By The Old Mill Stream,” photo exhibit of area grist mills, through Dec. 18.
SILOAM SPRINGS MUSEUM — 112 N. Maxwell St., 524-4011.
UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS DISCOVERY ZONE — 1564 W. Martin Luther King Blvd. Jr., Fayetteville. cmase.uark.edu/UADZ/BYS/BYS.htm or 575-3875. “Backyard Science” through September.
AMERICAN GIRLS FASHION SHOW — Oct. 1-3 at the Arts Center of the Ozarks, 214 S. Main St. in Springdale. artscenteroftheozarks.org or 751-5441.
PAT TRAVERS & RICK DERRINGER — 7 p.m. Oct. 1 at the AMP at the Northwest Arkansas Mall. $10-$50. amptickets.com.
THE BLACK CROWES — 7 p.m. Oct. 2 at the AMP at the Northwest Arkansas Mall. $20-$100. amptickets.com.
“BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIERS OF DISEASE” — 2 p.m., Oct. 3, Walker Room, Fayetteville Public Library. 444-7571.
CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER: GREAT QUINTETS — 8 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $10-$25. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
TIERNEY SUTTON BAND — 8 and 10 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $16-$30. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
HEALING EXPO — three-day alternative healing event, Oct. 8-10, Retreat at Sky Ridge, Eureka Springs. Each workshop has its own fee and prices vary. An expo ticket (three days for $25 online or $35 at the door) must be purchased with or before workshop tickets. www.healingpathexpo.com or 479-981-3911.
WORLD CHEESE DIP CHAMPIONSHIP — Oct. 9 at Dickey-Stephens Park in North Little Rock. cheesedip.net.
OMARA PORTUONDO: 80TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION — 8 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $10-$25. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
PEA RIDGE MULE JUMP — 22nd annual event. Oct. 9, Pea Ridge High School. 7:30 a.m. 5k run. 9 a.m. opening ceremonies. 903-1520 or www.pea-ridge-ar.com/mulejump.
CHRIS ISAAK — 7 p.m., Oct. 12, Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville. Tickets start at $48. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
GINA FERRARA — Oct. 15 at Nightbird Books in Fayetteville. nightbirdbooks.com or 443-2080.
STEP OUT 5K WALK/RUN and TOUR DE CURE BIKE RIDE — Oct. 16 at Arvest Ballpark in Springdale. diabetes.org/nwastepout, diabetes.org/nwatour.
“GIGGLE, GIGGLE QUACK” — 2 p.m. Oct. 17 at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. For all ages. $9-$17. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
“THE COLOR PURPLE” — 7 p.m. Oct. 19-21 and Oct. 24, 8 p.m. Oct. 22-23, and 2 p.m. Oct. 23-24 at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $39-$73. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
LARRY SHUE’S “THE FOREIGNER” — 7:30 p.m. Oct. 22-23 and Oct. 29-30, and 3 p.m. Oct. 24 at the Arts Center of the Ozarks, 214 S. Main St. in Springdale. $9-$20. artscenteroftheozarks.org or 751-5441.
“URINETOWN: THE MUSICAL” — 8 p.m. Oct. 22-23 and Oct. 27-30 and 2 p.m. Oct. 24 and 31 at the University Theater in Fayetteville. Free-$14. uark.edu/~drama or 575-4752.
ACADEMY OF ST. MARTIN IN THE FIELDS WITH JONATHAN BLISS — 8 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. $39-$55. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
WRITING WORKSHOP — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 30 at Ozark Folkways, 22733 N. U.S. 71 in Winslow. With author Velda Brotherton on story telling from experiences versus from imagination. $25, registration required. ozarkfolkways.org or 634-3791.
TREY MCINTYRE PROJECT — 8 p.m., Nov. 5, Walton Arts Center. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
KENNY BARRON TRIO — with David Sanchez, 8 p.m., Nov. 6, Walton Arts Center. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR — 8 a.m. to noon, Nov. 6, Riordan Hall, Bella Vista. 479-855-8170 or conniew@bellavistapoa.com.