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The United States is No. 1 – But in What?

American politicians are fond of telling their audiences that the United States is the greatest country in the world. Is there any evidence for this claim?

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Ferguson Movement Comes to Fayetteville

Early Saturday morning, Oct. 25, as hog fans began pouring onto campus from every part of the state, something decidedly different was taking place just a short walk from the stadium.

Legacy Archive

More Than Good Karma: Women Must Negotiate Salary and Raises

Evidently, only men are supposed to ask for raises. Women who do will only annoy their bosses and instead should simply have faith in the system and hope for good karma.

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The Plastic Debate

In a world of rapidly changing technology, innovative recycling ventures, and a giant garbage patch in the middle of the ocean, we’ve never had a more complicated relationship with plastic products.

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Arkansas Senate Debate Recap: Mark Pryor v. Tom Cotton

There was already a bustle forming outside the final Arkansas senate debate for Senator Mark Pryor and Representative Tom Cotton at the University of Arkansas Global Campus before it even started.

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Supreme Court Lets Marriage Wins Stand

On Monday, Oct. 6, the Supreme Court denied review of five cases seeking the freedom to marry, leaving standing marriage victories in several federal circuits and opening the door to the freedom to marry in many more states, while deferring for another day the national resolution that Freedom to Marry, businesses, elected officials, and families across the country had urged now.

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Point/Counterpoint: World Peace

What are the origins of American violence? Is peace possible? To investigate these questions, we must first look backwards.

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End the Outing

No one should have the right to out another person, celebrity or other, as gay.

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Nonviolent Men: The New Silent Majority

It’s way past time to put on the pads, guys. We’ve got to put our shoulders to the wheel of change if we’re going to stop domestic and sexual violence. Are you ready to suit up for the big game? Except, of course, it ain’t no game; the lives of our daughters and sisters, wives and mothers are on the line.

Legacy Archive

Deeper Lessons from Ferguson: Poverty and Justice (Part 2)

There are multiple drivers for crime, just look at Wall Street and Washington D.C., but a significant proportion of crime has roots in poverty.