Grenache & the Grill
This week we’ll discuss one of my go-to wines for the barbecue grill. I was inspired by last weekend’s Memphis in May barbecue competition, where a couple hundred smokers were gathered together in one place.
Pinot Blanc, The Other White Grape
Want to try something that tastes like a really expensive Chardonnay but is only $11? If yes, continue. If no, feel free to lick the cork of a $50 bottle of Cakebread while you stitch together a suit made out of money.
Give It A Thai
The Pra Ram Long Song was divine. The peanut sauce was creamy but had crushed peanuts in it for a little bit of a crunch. It was some of the best I’ve ever had. Seriously good stuff.
A Porter In The Storm
Anchor Porter has been brewed by Anchor Brewing Co. in San Francisco since the early 1970s.
One of Italy’s least-known states is also one of its most beautiful. From the jagged peaks of the Dolomite Mountains to the Adriatic Sea, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia is so unique that it’s officially a semi-autonomous zone.
Ne Crains Pas L’étiquette (Don’t Fear The Label)
You’d think the French would have enough courtesy to write their wine labels in English for us linguistically challenged Americans, but maybe a basic translation is too much to ask.
Get Yer Grub's On … Uptown
O’Charley’s failed in that location. Meaux Dad’s failed in that location. Will Grub’s be able to break the dreaded restaurant curse? *Dunh, Dunh, DUHN!*
Appreciate Your Mothers
Beyond Mother’s Day, Mothership also makes for a nice summer beer. Mothership would cool the throat well, if lying down under the stars on a warm evening trying to spot UFOs is your thing.
Italian Sparkling Wines
This week we’ll celebrate 400 weekly eWines with a bottle of bubbly (and mention one that’s new to Arkansas), with a discussion of where to find some of the greatest, the most popular and the best bargains.