This Desert's A Dump
DEAR MEXICAN: I was today alerted to the problem of trash dumped on the Sonoran Desert in Arizona and am trying to track down more articles about the issue. That is how I found you. There are lots and lots of piles of trash — looks like clothes — in a wash in Arizona. Can you tell me what’s going on?
¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Special Navidad Edition
At this stage in life, I have lots of extra stuff — household items, dishes, clothes, toys (my three boys are older) and stuff you’d put on a garage sale, except I don’t do garage sales. What’s a tactful way to say, “I have a load of my used crap and you’re welcome to take it if you want?”
Strange But True 'Phillip Morris'
Love can make you do crazy things. Maybe it will make you overspend on a gift, or stay up all night talking on the phone, or repeatedly break out of a Texas penitentiary. OK, so that last one really only applies to Steven Russell, a real-life conman who kept escaping from jail just to be with the man he loved.
'The Fighter' And Family
I had a good friend who carried his family and friends he grew up with like a millstone around his neck. It seemed he was destined to be swallowed up by all the drama and bad behavior they supplied since he was unwilling to get the heck out of Dodge (as I more colorfully advised).
WAC adds The Canadian Tenors
Platinum-selling vocal group The Canadian Tenors will perform a blend of classical and contemporary pop music at Walton Arts Center’s Baum Walker Hall on Saturday, April 9 at 7 p.m.
¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Defective
Do the rest of us a favor and stop breeding. I know you can’t do that because of your defective culture, so when Armageddon comes it will be fought between the Mexicans with their pants down and Moslems with their robes up. Should be one hell of an event.
News Of The Weird
French farmer Michele Rouyer, who was discovered by police with about 11 pounds of packaged marijuana and a dozen plants, said the weed was not for himself but for the 150 ducks he raises.