Speaking Proper Spanish
Generally, I agree with your view. But my question is why can’t we also promote the use and practice of PROPER SPANISH in this country?
Mexico: TEA Party Paradise?
DEAR MEXICAN: I can’t help thinking of Mexico as a Tea Party paradise. Mexican taxes are very low. There are few regulations, and environmentalists, socialists and liberals are few and far between.
Why Aren’t More Mexis Middle Class?
How come immigrants from south of the border stay stuck on the bottom rungs of the proverbial ladder of success for generations?
Correcting Manifest Destiny
The United States stealing Aztlán remains a grievous wound with Mexicans, but it’s not as huge an issue for run-of-the-mill Mexis as Know Nothings or Aztlanistas want you to believe.
His Mami Or Is He A Cheater?
What’s that saying you gabachos have? Something like, “Fool me once, pendejo eres tú; fool me twice, el pendejo soy yo?” Something like that.
Special April Fools Edicion
Rather than me prank ustedes, I give you the cruelest joke of all — ex-congressman and eternal Know Nothing Tom Tancredo! For allowing us to debate in Denver last year, I’ve allowed him to answer two questions.
Got It All Figured Out
I also despise historical idiots like Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata (his men hung my great-grandfather in front of his family, only because he had the smarts to have his own business and create jobs for their communities).
The Fate Of The West
The U.S. acquired most of the West by force from Mexico, due to the war with Mexico. Agreed the U.S. won the war with Mexico, but did that make it right? Why does Mexico not go to the World Court and sue?
Identification Issues
I am a mocha-skinned woman. Puerto Ricans always ask if I am Puerto Rican, Dominicans just start speaking Spanish, Cubans ask if my abuelita made good arroz con leche but Mexicans know I’m black. What gives?
Can A Gabacho Be President Of Mexico?
Although we like our leaders light-skinned, we already got our share of a part-gabacho president in Vicente Fox — and he was as pendejo as his American counterpart, Dubya.