8 Days a Week

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8 Days a Week

'The Nutcracker,' Christmas Parades, Santa in the Park

Progressive shopping party, and the Lights of the Ozarks

8 Days a Week

Lights of the Ozarks Parade

Parade and lighting at 6:15 p.m. Saturday in downtown Fayetteville.

8 Days a Week

Holiday Happenings

“THE CRUCIBLE”: Friday, Saturday and Sunday

8 Days a Week

540 Film Fest

540 FILM FEST: Today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Center for Continuing Education and the UARK Bowl in Fayetteville. $5-$30. 540filmfest.com.

8 Days a Week

Halloween Happenings

Diversity Weekend in Eureka Springs

8 Days a Week

Adoption Appreciation Day

Eureka Springs Mad Hatters Ball

8 Days a Week

Art & Soul

Restore Humanity, Native American Art

8 Days a Week

Pea Ridge Mule Jump

David Sedaris, Art & Soul

8 Days a Week


Artists, Wine and Bikes