Astrology, Three Spring Festivals & the Self
We are in the midst of the Three Spring festivals – Aries (Easter, last week), Taurus (Wesak, Buddha Festival) & Gemini (Festival of Humanity). All festivals in all religions are
Three Festivals
Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 28 – April 3, 2018 This upcoming weekend, three religious festivals occur – the Esoteric, the Jewish and the Christian. The Aries Festival
Hipster Replacementand
The Customer Is Always Frightened
Hipster Replacement I’m a 57-year-old lesbian, and I’m only attracted to much younger women (very early 20s). We’re obviously in very different places in our lives, and these “relationships” don’t
Marcury Retrograde & Palm Sunday
Here we are in Spring now. A new livingness appearing. Its color is green. And so, each solstice and equinox, there is a festival in the zodiacal Mystery Temple. Each
Flee-Bitten and Shudder Speed
Satin Worshipper My parents said they’d give my fiance and me money for a wedding or for a down payment on a home. They aren’t wealthy, so my fiance and
Flee-Bitten and Shudder Speed
Flee-Bitten For three months, things were going really well with this man I was dating. He’d introduced me to his daughter. We’d even planned a trip together. And then he
Pisces to Aries, Spring (Ostara) & International Astrology Day
Here we are in our last days of winter and the last week of Pisces. Before the Pisces waters turn into the fires of Aries, let’s talk a bit more
Seeking a Little Tenderness — Jupiter Retro in Scorpio
We have many planetary retrogrades this year – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Vesta & Chiron. Retrograde planets turn us inward; we become reflective upon our lives, our
Remaining Chased and Pedal To The Settle
Remaining Chased I have a history of terrible relationships that end in awful heartbreak. The advice I keep getting is to date down — get together with a man who
Whim Chill Factorand
Full Metal Jackie
Whim Chill Factor A guy I know through mutual friends finally asked for my number, claiming he’d like to see more of me. I was elated, but he never called.