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Advice Risa's Astrology

Astrology, Three Spring Festivals & the Self

We are in the midst of the Three Spring festivals – Aries (Easter, last week), Taurus (Wesak, Buddha Festival) & Gemini (Festival of Humanity). All festivals in all religions are

Advice Risa's Astrology

Three Festivals

Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 28 – April 3, 2018 This upcoming weekend, three religious festivals occur – the Esoteric, the Jewish and the Christian. The Aries Festival

Advice Advice Goddess

Hipster Replacement


The Customer Is Always Frightened

Hipster Replacement I’m a 57-year-old lesbian, and I’m only attracted to much younger women (very early 20s). We’re obviously in very different places in our lives, and these “relationships” don’t

Advice Risa's Astrology

Marcury Retrograde & Palm Sunday

Here we are in Spring now. A new livingness appearing. Its color is green. And so, each solstice and equinox, there is a festival in the zodiacal Mystery Temple. Each

Advice Advice Goddess

Flee-Bitten and Shudder Speed

Satin Worshipper My parents said they’d give my fiance and me money for a wedding or for a down payment on a home. They aren’t wealthy, so my fiance and

Advice Advice Goddess

Flee-Bitten and Shudder Speed

Flee-Bitten For three months, things were going really well with this man I was dating. He’d introduced me to his daughter. We’d even planned a trip together. And then he

Advice Risa's Astrology

Pisces to Aries, Spring (Ostara) & International Astrology Day

Here we are in our last days of winter and the last week of Pisces. Before the Pisces waters turn into the fires of Aries, let’s talk a bit more

Risa's Astrology

Seeking a Little Tenderness — Jupiter Retro in Scorpio

We have many planetary retrogrades this year – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Vesta & Chiron. Retrograde planets turn us inward; we become reflective upon our lives, our

Advice Goddess

Remaining Chased and Pedal To The Settle

Remaining Chased I have a history of terrible relationships that end in awful heartbreak. The advice I keep getting is to date down — get together with a man who

Advice Advice Goddess

Whim Chill Factor


Full Metal Jackie

Whim Chill Factor A guy I know through mutual friends finally asked for my number, claiming he’d like to see more of me. I was elated, but he never called.