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Advice Advice Goddess

Ambivalence Actually


Paradise Flossed

Paint And Suffering I’m doing some work on my landlady’s house. She just CANNOT figure out what color to paint it. Now, when a man paints his house, he goes

Risa's Astrology

Gemini — Bright Shiny One

Gemini, the 3rdsign in the zodiac, is an air (mental) sign. Their minds are their strength. Ruled by Mercury who creates duality and then Venus, synthesizing that duality. Gemini is

Advice Goddess

Ambivalence Actually and Paradise Flossed

Ambivalence Actually My boyfriend of two years read my diary and found out that I had expressed feelings for another guy while we were together. I never acted on them

Risa's Astrology

Uranus Enters Taurus — New Values & the Art of Living

Gemini Festival of Goodwill, Humanity & World Invocation Day The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) prepare together this week for next Tuesday’s full moonfestival also called the Gemini Solar

Advice Goddess

The Arf Of Reading People and Nightlight At The End Of The Tunnel

The Arf Of Reading People I’m a woman who judges potential boyfriends by whether dogs like them. My friends think I’m crazy, but I’m convinced that my dog picks up

Risa's Astrology

Uranus Enters Taurus — New Values & the Art of Living

Tuesday of this week, at the Taurus new moon, Uranus, planet of change, revolution & revelations, left Aries (self-identity) and entered Taurus (values, resources and the Art of Living). Uranus

Advice Goddess

Waif Watchers and You Had Me At Hell

The Shoo Maker I’m a single dude in my 30s, and I really want a girlfriend, but I keep striking out with women. My female co-worker says that if I

Advice Risa's Astrology

Mother’s Day, New Moon, Uranus Enters Taurus

Mother’s Day is Sunday;Tuesday is the new moon (24.36 degrees Taurus) and soon after, Uranus (planet of revolution, ultimate change) enters Taurus (stabilizing new archetypes, new ideas). This is a

Advice Advice Goddess

Waif Watchers


You Had Me At Hell

Waif Watchers I’m a 33-year-old woman, and I’ve always been thin. I lost about 12 pounds after a tough breakup. I’m working on getting back to a healthier weight. However,

Advice Advice Goddess

Endship Ring


To The Bitter Friend

Endship Ring I was roommates with a girl five years ago. I was a spoiled brat for many years, but I’ve worked very hard to change. She, on the other