Power Tulle
Smells Like Quarantine Spirit I’m a 41-year-old married lesbian. My wife and I used to work from home together. She recently got an important job, and she’s now gone all
Lammas – Feast of First Fruits, a Harvest Festival
Lammas, (Old English, for “lamb”, & later “loaf” as in “bread”) celebrates the first grain harvests. Observed August 1stin the northern hemisphere, we can extend the festival all week. Lammas
Power Tulle
Why are there lots of bridal magazines but no magazines for grooms? What does that imply? —A Male Consider men’s general lack of interest in wedding planning. Of course, if
Are Tab Collared Shirts Still Fab
Q. I just came across a shirt from five years back with a snap collar (I think you call it “tab”). Can I still wear it? I haven’t seen anyone else
Seize The Meh and Give Pizza A Chance
Seize The Meh I’m a 31-year-old guy who got really hurt after a relationship ended a few years back. Now I just don’t date women whom I’ll ever really care
A Long Retrograde Season & Time of Remembering
In this last week of July, with Sun in Leo (I am by what I create), humanity is experiencing seven retrogrades – Mercury (communication, thinking), Mars (action), Saturn (restructuring), Neptune
Seeking Selections for Seersuckers
Q. You wrote about seersucker suits a few weeks back and I would like to wear less heavy fabric in the summer, but don’t think I would be comfortable in
Buddha Heat and In The Mood For Shrug
Buddha Heat My husband and I are lucky — like that couple in their 70s you wrote about — to have a satisfying sex life after 23 years together. Still,
Cancer — Hiding Away Under Its Shell, Half on Earth, Half in Water
Cancer – Hiding Away Under Its Shell, Half on Earth, Half in Water. This is our last week of the sign of the scarab (Cancer) before Leo Sun begins (Sunday
The long and the short of short pants
Q. What is the deal with these new high-water pants or even capris on men . . . and with no socks? Is this really acceptable weekend wear? I have