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Advice Goddess

The Dumpster Fire Within

The Dumpster Fire Within About six weeks ago, I started dating the nicest guy. I have some intimacy issues (basically, fear of abandonment), and having somebody be nice to me

Male Call

A Vest for Life

Q. My business-casual office is over air-conditioned, but outside it’s particularly warm most of the year and I don’t want to bring extra clothes with me each day that I’d

Risa's Astrology

Autumn & Libra — Let Choice Begin

Early Monday morning the Sun entered Libra, sign of balance and poise. Libra, a cardinal sign, “initiates” autumn in the northern hemisphere. Autumn begins the “dark half of the year.”

Advice Goddess

Murk In Progress and Everything Old Is Nude Again

Murk In Progress I’m in a weird place in my life: My work situation’s up in the air, and there’s a lot of uncertainty in my romantic life and my

Male Call

The professional tie look

Q. I have recently graduated from medical school and am now a pediatric resident. I like to wear a tie, especially because it accents that I’m the doctor (to parents

Risa's Astrology

Saturn — Lord of Karma & Dweller on the Threshold

On Wednesday, Saturn (Dweller, Teacher, Disciplinarian), after four months being retrograde, turns stationary direct. Saturn is the “teacher”, offering us lesson after lesson concerning the “rules of the road”, rules

Advice Goddess

Friend Over Backward and No Way To Retreat A Lady

Friend Over Backward A friend agreed to dogsit while I flew up to visit my ailing dad. She bailed at 7 p.m. the night before I flew out, saying she

Male Call

Fashion Week

Q. I saw a clip on the news about Fashion Week in New York and some camp theme or something. I remember you wrote interesting information last year about Fashion

Advice Goddess

Are You Clonesome Tonight?

My friend thinks I’d do better in dating if I went on those sites that match people according to “similarities.” Most of the couples I know aren’t that similar. Could

Male Call

Pushing all the right buttons

Q. Can you tell me which button I’m supposed to button on the cuffs of my shirts? I would think it would be the inside one so that the outside