Sane-Sex Attraction
I’m an African-American gay woman in my mid-20s. I initially had relationships with men, but I’m just not attracted to them. Women make me feel alive, exhilarated, connected, and challenged, and sex is the bomb.
When You Wish Upon A Ringo Starr
I’ve been casually dating — speedily dumping men who’ve gotten attached (not my fault, I make my intentions super-clear). I should be packing now, but I’m a mess.
Under The Cover Of Nightclub
We were together exactly nine months when he called and suggested we go dancing. Ten minutes after I arrived at the club, he broke up with me.
So, His Wild Oats
We were picking a movie to watch on his laptop, and I noticed one of his browser pages was opened to He saw that I saw it but said nothing.
Horoscopes: April 28-May 4
The new moon occurs this week late close to midnight Monday night (Pacific), early morning hours (Eastern), 12 degrees Taurus. The Taurus personality building keynote is “Let struggle be undismayed.”
Nodding Off Hill
My husband and I are wonderful friends, and I love him dearly. However, for reasons he won’t tell me, he decided eight years ago that he was no longer interested in sex.