Coma Sutra
I’ve been married for over 20 years, and though my wife and I have a very good relationship, she has a low sex drive and never initiates sex.
Horoscope: July 7-13
We are in the month and sign of Cancer (crab, scarab, tortoise). On the personality-building level, Cancer is about mother and nurturing, birth and nourishment of all life.
Creature From The Slack Lagoon
Three months ago, he was fired from a nursing home for stealing drinks from the soda machine, and he hasn’t looked for a job since. When I suggested he get up early to beat the heat, he got angry.
Horoscope: June 30-July 6
The week holds two important events – Friday’s new moon, solar eclipse (sun hidden), 9 degrees Cancer and the 235th birthday of the United States, Independence Day, Monday.
The Shopping Cart Before The Horse
It’s a really bad idea for a guy to give flowers to a girl he’s just meeting, unless she’s just won the Kentucky Derby. In that case, he could also slip her a carrot and slap her on the rump.
The Princess And The Pee
I spend most of my time watching him play video games and drink beer until he’s ready for sex or passes out. He’s also developed the nasty habit of peeing into bottles and leaving them around until they’re full.
Lazy, Dreamy, Unhurried Days
On Tuesday the Sun (0 Cancer, summer solstice) reached its farthest northern position at the Tropic of Cancer (23 degrees 27, north pole, Earth’s axis, maximum inclination).
Horoscope: June 16-22
Tuesday is Summer solstice (or Midsummer-June 21-24), Sun at the Tropic of Cancer. In Masonry and Christianity, it’s St. John the Baptist Day.
Meek And Potatoes
My co-worker was really hung up on a guy. She was convinced he liked her, and she did all the flirty things you advise, but he never made a move.
Horoscope: June 9-15
The Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill & World Invocation Day occurs Wednesday at 1:14 pm (Pacific time) at 24 degrees Gemini.