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Advice Risa's Astrology

Mercury Stationary Direct

Sunday is Palm Sunday. Fresh palms lined the streets in Jerusalem when Jesus, the Christ, passed through. As the people recognized He was the Pisces World Teacher, He realized this was the Path toward His betrayal, death and Crucifixion (an Initiation we all take) at the end of the week. Appropriately the moon’s in Leo (leader) and Mercury’s in Pisces (sacrifice to save the world).

Advice Advice Goddess

Bodies at Rust

I’m a recently divorced 40-something woman, now dating again, and I’m wondering what the guidelines are on how long to wait to have sex. I’m not interested in casual sex, but I have a healthy libido.

Advice Risa's Astrology

St. Patrick's Day

Saturday, Aquarius moon, is St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick taught the Trinity, the three Aspects of God, Will, Love/Wisdom & Intelligence with three-leaf clovers.

Advice Advice Goddess

The Spinster Cycle

I am a 32-year-old woman with a Ph.D. I’m beyond happy with my career, but I’m not meeting men I’m impressed with or inspired to see again …

Advice Risa's Astrology

What on Earth Will it Take?

“Thrive” explains the new physics, unveils government and money coverups, global consolidation of power controlling all aspects of daily life and offers real solutions to empowerment, activism and how to reclaim our lives …

Advice Advice Goddess

Meek Her Want You

I’m pathetically shy, so I’m thinking of asking out this girl …

Advice Risa's Astrology

Ending Forever the Darkness

We are living within the Light of Pisces …

Advice Risa's Astrology

Risa's Stars

This last week of February has an added day. It’s leap year. Thursday, Mercury joins the Mars retrograde. We ponder upon many things but cannot act on them until after

Advice Advice Goddess

Advice Goddess

Looking For The Gaia Next Door I’m an Occupy girl, age 45, into eco-shamanism and planetary consciousness stuff. I’ve mostly dated engineers with a playful side who initially seemed open

Advice Risa's Astrology

Risa's Stars

We have a week of planetary shifts: celebrations, a new moon and a secret birthday. Thursday, Mercury and Chiron team up in Pisces, the sign of compassion and saving the