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Advice Advice Goddess

Life Is What You Fake Of It

I’m in love. This person makes me feel like a shaken-up Coke bottle ready to explode with happiness! But, not even my therapist understands.

Advice Advice Goddess

Attention Defici–Oooh, Shiny!

My girlfriend of eight months has ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). She takes medication that helps her focus better at work and has steps (like writing everything down) to avoid forgetting important things, stay more organized, etc.

Advice Risa's Astrology

New energies and impulses from the heart of the universe are beginning to critically influence life on Earth (and on all the planets circling the Sun). These energies are accelerating all events, creating a trajectory of force and of progress directed only toward the creation of the new age.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Leo — Lionhearted & Royal

In the Old Testament, Leo is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In the New Testament, the Christians were thrown to the lions (symbol of power in Rome).

Advice Advice Goddess

Love Me Tinder

I met a woman, and we hit it off like wildfire. It seemed everything she said and did was perfect.

Advice Risa's Astrology

The Retro, The Meteors And The Full Moon

Mercury retrograde is in full force. Reaching outward, we’re pulled inward.

Advice Advice Goddess

Better Luck Nest Time

For nine months, I’ve been having fun seeing a nice woman a few times a week. We’re both 50ish. I told her I didn’t want a serious relationship.

Advice Advice Goddess

Bitter Homes And Gardens

If your wife says another man’s name while making love, what does that mean? It was her ex’s name — my stepson’s dad. She apologized, saying it was only because she remembered needing to call him about problems their son is having at school.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Obedience Of The Heart

In the Cancer task, the Fourth Labor, Hercules must make a choice.

Risa's Astrology

Mercury & Uranus Retrograde: Turning Inward

After Thursday’s calm Taurus moon, Friday, the 13th, we’re shaken up as Uranus, the star of revolution (the cool cat of the zodiac), changes direction, retrograding at 8:32 degrees Aries (until Dec. 13). The revolution turns inward, for a psychological, philosophical and social media review.