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Advice Risa's Astrology


ARIES: Are you pursing the arts of pleasure or romance? Is the thought of risk appealing? Do you sometimes feel like there’s not enough love in the world? You will

Advice Advice Goddess

Whiff the Wrong Man

By Amy Alkon — Advice Goddess I admire that you often add research to your columns, so I thought I’d ask you about an article I read on birth control

Advice Risa's Astrology


ARIES: The keys to your achievements at this time while also seeking freedom and independence from all restraints, are passion and creativity.  Don’t be confrontational lest you lose power and

Advice Advice Goddess

Advice Goddess

All Work and No Foreplay My husband and I are entrepreneurs, developing a new product. We’re both working long hours. He’s miserable because he has no time for his art

Advice Advice Goddess

Advice Goddess

I feel like a disappointment to my boyfriend of seven months. I’m 28; he’s 35 and Mr. Smart. He is a Brit and was a top student at Cambridge. He

Advice Risa's Astrology


ARIES: An interlude (pause) is occurring in your relationships with others. It may feel different and disconcerting. The reality is that a balance is taking place, so you can ponder

Advice Advice Goddess

Advice Goddess

Comfortably Wed My wife of three years complains that I’m not romantic anymore. In the beginning, I did romantic stuff all the time. I still love her very much, but

Advice Advice Goddess

Advice Goddess

Meet Joe Black This girl I’ve been dating for a couple months really likes me, but I’m not feeling it. Because we’ve done a lot of texting, I’m thinking of

Advice Risa's Astrology


ARIES: Libra Sun highlights your relationships, marriage, partnerships, interactions — professional and personal. You are seen as loyal and trustworthy. Those are virtues to cultivate in order to have authentic

Advice Risa's Astrology


ARIES: An interesting planetary configuration is occurring between Pluto and the other planets. Especially for you, Aries. A connection between your work in the world and relationships, partnerships. It’s best