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Advice Risa's Astrology

Waters of Life Poured Forth For Thirsty Humanity

Saturday is the first full moon solar festival of the New Year. The full moon is a timing mechanism. It informs us that on one side of the Earth is

Advice Advice Goddess

Talk Blurty To Me

By Amy Alkon Why are women so worked up about hearing “those three little words,” and why must they turn them into such a minefield? If a man says “I

Advice Risa's Astrology

Freedom: So Humanity’s Light Isn’t Dimmed

Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 17-23, 2013 Friday night/Saturday morning both Mercury and the Sun enter Aquarius, in time for the Presidential Inauguration (in Aquarius). President Barack Obama’s

Advice Advice Goddess

Not Just Another Pimply Face

I’ve loved my fiancee deeply for her intelligence and beautiful personality since the day we met five years ago. However, I don’t think I was ever really attracted to her.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Points of Light Within the Square

Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 10-16, 2013 Friday (Jan. 11th) is the first new moon of 2013 (22 degrees Capricorn). The moon & Sun, joined by Mercury, offers

Advice Risa's Astrology

Capricorn Solar Festival, Last Full Moon of 2012

Esoteric Astrology as news for week December 27-January 2, 2012 Friday, sometime after midnight, is the last full moon of 2012. It’s the Capricorn solar festival. This full moon of

Advice Advice Goddess

His Back To The Wallet

By Amy Alkon My girlfriend of a year is enormously wealthy and very generous. Despite my protestations, she loves buying me nice clothes and other gifts, and appears to expect

Advice Advice Goddess

Unlucky In Shove

“In love, it’s the little things that count, like keeping your boyfriend’s food warm while he’s in your closet talking to another woman.” By Amy Alkon My husband was a

Advice Risa's Astrology

The Overshadowing & the Chalice of Receptivity

Esoteric Astrology for the week December 20-26, 2012 The long awaited time has arrived — Dec. 21, 2012 — the end of a unit of time (k’atun) in the Mayan

Advice Risa's Astrology

Darkness Verging On Light

Thursday’s Sagittarius new moon — the last of 2012 — prepares us for Winter Solstice and the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers. Uranus becomes stationary direct