Libra – Contemplating the Path of Return
Transition Town News — Rob Hopkins, founder of International Transition Movement, on a rare tour of the U.S., visits San Francisco area, Oct. 10-12; Los Angeles area Oct 13-14
Social Notworking
By Amy Alkon My 40-something younger brother has been “friending” my hot female friends on Facebook, women I have befriended in real life whom he’s never even met! I said
Libra New Moon Festival – Let Choice Be Made!
It’s a rather unusual, possibly irrational and unexpected week, with things unforeseen, unanticipated and unpredicted occurring. We may experience a subtle nervousness and anxiety due to Uranus interacting with the
Office Despot
By Amy Alkon I just started a new job. My boss and I were having a meeting, and he started asking me about my personal life — whether I have
Going Code Turkey
By Amy Alkon I broke up with a boyfriend a few years ago because I wasn’t getting what I wanted from him. I’d give him subtle cues, and when he
Creating A Waterfall of Beneficence
It’s almost Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, Festival of Ingathering Light celebrations. Thursday is possibly one of the kindest, most loving days of the year. Venus in Scorpio trines Jupiter in
The Soul & Spiritual Task of the United States
Sunday is Fall Equinox with Sun entering Libra. Autumn and Winter emphasize the Soul. “Destiny of the Nations”, by Alice Bailey (scribe for the Tibetan Teacher Djwhal Khul) refers
Going Code Turkey
“Although men and women are psychologically similar in many ways, studies by social psychologist Judith A. Hall and others find that women are more accurate in sussing out the meaning
All the Kings Horses & All the Kings Men
This is a potent week leading up to Wednesday, September 18th when a Yod, Finger (Will, Direction) of God (sextile and two inconjuncts) points to the Gemini rising and Uranus
Groin Pains
By Amy Alkon I’m 21, and I’ve just gotten my first girlfriend, this amazing girl I’ve known since high school. I lost my virginity to her, and I’ve since started