Gone Juan: Tale of The Disappearing Boyfriend
I’m a 20-year-old woman, and for three months last year, I dated a 21-year-old guy. Suddenly, out of the blue, he stopped returning my calls.
Mercury & Jupiter in Virgo
When the Sun and/or planets move through the sign Virgo, everyone begins to talk more. Talk, talk, talk and more talk. There’s a reason.
Humanity in a Time of Crisis & Sacrifice – Our Response
Last week’s sacrifices of Maddy (Santa Cruz 8-year old child) & Cecil the lion (Virgo/Leo, Virgin & Lion), represent crisis points in the life of humanity. They will continue.
A Force To Be Reckoned Whiff
Welcome to the decline of civilization playing out in a single garment. If a grown man who wears one of these things says something like “Let me slip into something more comfortable,” you’ve got to think, “What, the womb?”
Lord Of The Ringer
Okay then. You’ll just be having a nice big scoop of “What Comes Around Goes Around.” Cup or cone? Nuts? Sprinkles?
Leo Sun; Full Moon, Venus Retro in Leo; Saturn Direct
A complex week of planetary movements, challenges, demands, callings. We’re in the time of Leo Sun. Leo – fixed fire, gold, the heart, generous, strong, noble, the king/queen, needs appreciation, praise from everyone in order to move forward.
Sun in Leo, Rosy Star, Venus & Uranus Retrograde
Three major celestial events occur this week. Wednesday, Sun enters Leo, highlighting the heart center of everyone.
The Science of Make-Up Sex
Sex can be a form of peacekeeping, since your girlfriend can’t be screaming that you loaded the dishwasher wrong if she’s screaming, “OHGOD!OHGOD!OHGOD!”
Light in the Mind, Light of the World
On July 15th, at the new moon (no light) something new was initiated in the Unites States called Jade Helm (July 15 – Sept. 15).
Mourning Breath
You’ve got a bad case of the “coulda shouldas,” which, in psychology, is called “counterfactual thinking,” as in thinking “counter” to the actual “facts” of what happened.