Risa's Astrology
Under Gemini – Speaking in Tongues
Sunday (June 9th) is Pentecost – fifty (pente) days after Easter and one of the most important festivals for the Aquarian Age. It is good to understand Pentecost in today’s
New Moon & the Ascension Festivals
We have two festivals this week – each one a different developmental stage for humanity. The first (Thursday) is the Ascension (Catholic, Pisces Age of love, hope, vision) festival, the
Within All Shadows is a Point of Light
We are in a potent and pivotal time astrologically. Saturn (restructure), Pluto (transform) and South Node (past incompletions show up) are all in Capricorn (Initiation). All structures, previously secret, veiled
Wesak – Buddha Taurus Full Moon Festival
Saturday (May 18th) is the Wesak (Buddha) Festival, the 2nd Spring Festival of the year. Since Winter Solstice, disciples around the world have been preparing for this Taurus festival. It
Honoring Mother
Sunday is Mother’s Day. The moon is in Virgo – ultimate sign of the perfect organized mother. It’s also the sign ruled by Mercury – so communication with mother is
Beltane — Bright & Shining Fire
May 1st is May Day, an ancient Spring festival in many cultures. May Day, always the sustaining Taurus Sun, is the Celtic (Gaelic) festival of Beltane (lasting all week long).
Slow Time — Illuminations of Each Day
Aries is always the first sign of the new spiritual year. It is the seed pushing forth the first two leaves (they look like ram’s horns, the Aries sign) emerging
Easter/Resurrection Festival & Three Ages of Festivals
We have entered a most important week of multiple festivals. Three festivals this week representing three religions and three Ages (Aries, Pisces & Aquarius) – stages for humanity’s development –
Jupiter Retrogrades, Palm Sunday and Passion Week
We have eventful and complex weeks ahead. Jupiter is stationary retrograde Wednesday. Sunday(April 14) is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week(also called Passion Week). All leading up to Good Friday(&
New Moon & the New Group of World Servers
The new moon occurs early morning Friday, April 5th, at 15 degrees Aries. New moon times are festival times of the new initiating light. As the pale crescent moon appears