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Risa's Astrology

The Great Invocations, Mantram of Direction for Humanity

Prayers to recite in this time of world-wide crisis, creating a united world appeal. In the past century, around WW2, times of turmoil and crisis, humanity was given three world

Risa's Astrology

And the People Stayed Home

A poem for our times – “And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways

Risa's Astrology

In This Suspended Liminal Time

Notes on the present times – meaning, reality, purpose, hope. Between this suspended time of anguish, fear, hope, a new reality is forming. It’s all in the words & numbers.

Risa's Astrology

Brave New World

Mercury turned stationary direct on Monday. It seemed a short Mercury retrograde this time. Strange and unusual, too, with the virus spreading, the stock market volatility, fear of the unknown,

Risa's Astrology

Cross of Ashes — Dust to Dust

Throughout history humanity has created rituals and celebrations that reflect the different seasons. The rituals mirror, indicate and signify the different aspects of light and dark, the seasons, the elements

Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces

2020 is a retrograde year. In the coming months we will have Mercury, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto retrograde. The most retrograde times begin mid-May and progress through

Risa's Astrology

…. Of Love A Bit More Careful….

Valentine’s Day this year is quite mysterious. The moon is in Scorpio. So, the gift of Valentine’s day may be quite hidden. The Scorpio moon touches Venus, Mercury, Jupiter &

Risa's Astrology

Unfolding a Petal in the Heart Lotus – Doing Our Part

Recently, the student asked the Teacher, “What part is the virus playing in our world today and what part do I play?” The teacher responded, “The Virus plays an important

Risa's Astrology

Candlemas, Fire Festival, Blessings & Corn Dollies

Sunday is Candlemas Day, a day of significance astronomically and religiously. Candlemas marks the moment in time (day) between winter solstice and spring equinox (cross-quarter day). It’s a festival of

Risa's Astrology

Year of the Metal Rat

Chinese New Year is early this year, beginning on Saturday, January 25th(the day after the Aquarius new moon) and ending at the full moon Lantern Festival. Chinese New Year follows