Oct. 8 (Friday)
Native American Cultural Celebration — “Indigenuity: Building a Bridge to the Future,” Oct. 8-9, Museum of Native American History on Facebook Live. Free. 273-2456 or monah.us.
“Sun & Sea” — An opera performance, half-hour performances between 2 and 6 p.m. Oct. 8-9, The Momentary in Bentonville. $16-$20. 418-5700, themomentary.org.
Vintage Market Days — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 8-9, until 4 p.m. Oct. 10, Benton County Fairgrounds in Bentonville. $5-$10. vintagemarketdays.com.
Drop-In Tour — Big Picture: Art, Architecture & Nature, 11:30 a.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival — Featuring “Citizen Ashe,” “Forever Majestic,” “The Neutral Ground” and more, through Oct. 16, downtown Hot Springs and available streaming at hsdfi.org. $12-$45. hsdfi.org.
“Designing Women” — 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday; 2 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, through Oct. 24, TheatreSquared, 477 W. Spring St. in Fayetteville. $10-$58. 777-7477 or theatre2.org.
“Love’s Labour’s Lost” — Presented by University Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 8-10, Mini Greek Amphitheatre, Fine Arts Center, 340 Garland Ave., Fayetteville. Free, but tickets must be reserved online. uark.universitytickets.com.
Oct. 9 (Saturday)

Super Saturday — Artsy Craftsy, 9 a.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
Pea Ridge Mule Jump — 9 a.m. with pro jump at 1 p.m., just north of Pea Ridge City Hall at 975 Weston St. $2-$5. pearidgemulejump.com.
Stash Bash, Bazaar and Small Quilt Auction — Hosted by the QUILT Guild of NWA, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Rogers Convention Center. Free admission. Email lspeerster@gmail.com.
CB To You Mobile Art Lab — 11 a.m.-5 p.m., ArkanSalsa Festival, downtown Springdale. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Drop-In Tour — Big Picture: Art, Architecture & Nature, 11:30 a.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
ArkanSalsa Fest — With food, dance, car show, salsa tasting & a kids’ zone, 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Shiloh Square in downtown Springdale. Free. onecommunityar.org.
Drop-In Artmaking — 1-4 p.m., Durand/Estes Rooms at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Fall Open House — With music by Melody Pond, food, fishing & more, 1-4:30 p.m., Warhorse Legacy Foundation Ranch near Winslow. Free. Email info@warhorselegacy.org.
Book Talk — Sean Fitzgibbon on his upcoming graphic novel, “What Follows is True: Crescent Hotel,” 2 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
Open House — With pets for adoption 4-7 p.m. & a screening of “The Champions,” at 7 p.m., Best Friends Lifesaving Center, 210 Prairie Lane in Bentonville. Free. Reservations at bestfriends.org/nwa.
Tween Night — That ’70s Party, 7-9 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Oct. 10 (Sunday)
Drop-In Tour — Architecture, 1 p.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Drop-In Artmaking — 1-4 p.m., Durand/Estes Rooms at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Author Talk — With Sasha Issenberg, author of “The Engagement: America’s Quarter-Century Struggle Over Same-Sex Marriage,” 2 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
“Samay: The Passage of Time” — A Hindustani classical performance presented by the Ra-Ve Cultural Foundation and featuring the Flute Sisters, 4 p.m., Kalaloka Institute of Fine Arts, 1380 S.W. Westpark Drive in Bentonville or online. $10-$20. Email info@ra-veculturalfoundation.org.
Oct. 11 (Monday)
Drop-In Tour — Big Picture: Art, Architecture & Nature, 11:30 a.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Book Talk — “The Vapors: A Southern Family, the New York Mob, and the Rise and Fall of Hot Springs, America’s Forgotten Capital of Vice” by David Hill, 1 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
Drop-In Tour — Architecture, 1 p.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
FPL Fright Nights — “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island,” 5:30 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
Meditation & Mindfulness — 6 p.m., Great Hall at Crystal Bridges Museum. $5. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Oct. 12 (Tuesday)
First Edition Book Club — “The Great Believers” by Rebecca Makkai, noon, Bentonville Public Library. Free. Register at bentonvillelibrary.org.
Virtual Talk — “Re-presenting and Reckoning with Early American Art,” 5 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum via Zoom. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Books & Brews — “IQ” by Joe Ide, 6 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
Oct. 13 (Wednesday)
Drop-In Tour — Sculpture, 1 p.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Origami for Everyone — 2 p.m., Fort Smith Public Library via Facebook & Youtube. Free. fortsmithlibrary.org.
Oct. 14 (Thursday)
Crimes and Clues Book Club — “Mexican Gothic” by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, 9:30 a.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. faylib.org.
Preschool Playdate — 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Drop-In Tour — Architecture, 1 p.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
CB To You Mobile Art Lab — 2-6 p.m., Murphy Park Pavilion, Springdale. Presented by Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Hispanic Artists Panel Discussion — Part of Hispanic Heritage Month, 6 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
Introduction to Genealogy — 6 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
Oct. 15 (Friday)

BPL in the Community — Story Time, 10:30 a.m., Peel Mansion in Bentonville. Presented by Bentonville Public Library. Free. bentonvillelibrary.org.
Drop-In Tour — Big Picture: Art, Architecture & Nature, 11:30 a.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
CB To You Mobile Art Lab — 1-6 p.m., Murphy Park Pavilion, Springdale. Presented by Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Wa Kuk Wa Jimor — Canoe of One Community Opening Ceremony and Celebration, 6:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Art Trail at Night — 7-10 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Oct. 16 (Saturday)
Literary Pumpkin Contest — Children and families are invited to decorate a pumpkin like their favorite book character, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Springdale Public Library. Free. springdalelibrary.org.
CB To You Mobile Art Lab — 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Murphy Park Pavilion, Springdale. Presented by Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Drop-In Tour — Big Picture: Art, Architecture & Nature, 11:30 a.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Drop-In Artmaking — 1-4 p.m., Durand/Estes Rooms at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Introduction to African Dance — 2 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. Free. Register at faylib.org.
Oct. 17 (Sunday)
Drop-In Tour — Architecture, 1 p.m., Main Lobby at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
Drop-In Artmaking — 1-4 p.m., Durand/Estes Rooms at Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
CB To You Mobile Art Lab — 1-5 p.m., Murphy Park Pavilion, Springdale. Presented by Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
On Show

Prairie Grove Heritage Museum — 9 a.m.-noon every Saturday, 311 E. Buchanan St. in Prairie Grove. Free, but donations are welcome. Email prairiegrovehistoricalsociety@gmail.com.
Terra Studios Grand Reopening — Open 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday, Terra Studios, 12103 Hazel Valley Road in Fayetteville. Free. 643-3185 or terrastudios.com. Masks required.
“Intimate Immensity” — Paintings by Adam Fulwiler and drawings and sculptural objects by Christian Schultz, through Oct. 22, 211 South in Bentonville. Email curator Kellie Lehr at kellie.lehr@gmail.com.
Models & Paintings — By Mike & John Carney, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily through October, Visitor Center at Hobbs State Park near Rogers. Free. 789-5000.
“BRAIN TO BRAIN PAPER PLANE” — Through Nov. 8, Famous Hardware, 113 W. Emma Ave. in Springdale. Free. factoryobscura.com/news/downtown-springdale.
“Eureka on Film” — 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., closed Sunday & Wednesday, through mid-November, Eureka Springs Historical Museum, 95 S. Main St. in Eureka Springs. $5; ages 6 & younger free. 253-9417 or eurekaspringshistoricalmuseum.org.
“Gone Fishing!” — A new photo exhibit, through Dec. 11, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History in Springdale. Free. 750-8165.
North Forest Lights — Through Jan. 2, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 600 Museum Way, Bentonville. $7-$22; kids 6 and younger free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
“Selena Forever/Siempre Selena” — Through Jan. 10, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 600 Museum Way, Bentonville. Free. 657-2335 or crystalbridges.org.
“Gear Up: The Science of Bikes” — Through Jan. 10, Scott Family Amazeum in Bentonville. “Gear Up” contains display bikes from the 1930s through present day and hands-on experiences that demonstrate the forces at play when riding a bicycle. $10. amazeum.org.