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Advice Goddess

Dear In Headlights

I’m a girl in my 20s. I recently started dating a guy I’m falling in love with. He invited me to a party to meet his friends, and I’m nervous.

Risa's Astrology

May Day Celebrations

May is both a beautiful and intelligent month, being under the two signs of Taurus (Art of Living, flowers) and Gemini (Mercury’s messages). The Taurus keynote is “Let Struggle within

8 Days a Week

8 Days a Week

April 30 (Friday) El día de los niños y los libros (Children’s Day) — 10 a.m., Fayetteville Public Library via Zoom. Free. Virtual Architecture Tour —11:30 a.m., Crystal Bridges

Cover Story

Invited To The Wedding: T2’s return to live theater exciting, emotional

In a show-stopping monologue at the top of Bryna Turner’s “At the Wedding,” main character Carlo details the lofty heights of falling in love: “Food will taste better/music will sound

Male Call

The best and worst views from the garden

Q. Now that it is planting season, I will be spending a number of days in my front yard bending over doing gardening and yard work, and I’d like to