Quilts, baskets, a post office and model homes

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“A Life in Nature Explored” — Art by Jeff Godlevsky, through May 31 at Bolder Coffee in Rogers. Email demara.titzer@gmail.com.
April 3
Artist of the Month — Priscilla Myers’ portraits, abstracts and landscapes in acrylics and oils, all month, Fort Smith Library Miller Branch. 646-3945.
Artists of Northwest Arkansas Exhibition — Ends April 3, Faulkner Performing Arts Center on the University of Arkansas campus in Fayetteville. Free. 575-5387 or faulkner.uark.edu.
April 4
Opening Reception — For “Story Mode: Concepts, Narratives & Designs” by artists Donavon Brutus, Hannah Newsom-Doyle, Drew Gentle, Chad Maupin & Kenneth Siemens, 5-8 p.m., ArtVentures in Fayetteville. $10. ArtVenturesNWA.org.
“Emiliano Zapata: 100 Años, 100 Fotos” — In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Zapata’s death, through April 15, Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History on the Fayetteville square. Free. 575-6829.

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Artists’ Reception — For artists Tania Knudsen, whose work is pictured, Judi O. Harrison, Marcia Davis and Cindi Zimmerman, 4-6 p.m. April 11, Bentonville Branch of the First National Bank of NWA, 402 SW A St. Art on show for three months. Email bank art director Zeek Taylor at zeek.taylor@cox.net.
April 5-6
“Tomorrow’s Heirlooms XVII” — A show by the QUILT guild of Northwest Arkansas, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. April 5 & 9 a.m.-4 p.m. April 6, Encore Event Center, 1106 N. Old Missouri Road in Springdale. $8. QuiltGuildNWA.edublogs.org.
April 6
Dogwood Lace Guild — 10 a.m., Shiloh Meeting Hall in downtown Springdale. 750-8165 or shilohmuseum.org.
Night on the Town — Pottery Wheel, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Community Creative Center in Fayetteville. $40. 571-2796.
April 7
Introduction to Basket Weaving — With Jeannie L. Hornsby, 1:30 p.m., Fayetteville Public Library. In this beginner workshop, participants will create a woven candleholder. Bring one bath-sized towel for the project. Free. Register at faylib.org.
April 9
History Happy Hour — A collaboration with the Fayetteville Ale Trail, 6-8 p.m., Clinton House Museum in Fayetteville. $5. 444-0066.

“Instruments of Faith” — The Life and Work of Ed Stilley, featuring more than 20 handmade Stilley instruments on loan from private collectors, through 2019, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History in Springdale. Free. 750-8165.
April 10
Figure Drawing From the Nude Model — 6:30-8:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville. $10. Register at crystalbridges.org or 657-2335.
April 11
Artists’ Reception — For artists Tania Knudsen, Judi O. Harrison, Marcia Davis and Cindi Zimmerman, 4-6 p.m., Bentonville Branch of the First National Bank of NWA, 402 SW A St. Art on show for three months. Email bank art director Zeek Taylor at zeek.taylor@cox.net.
Art on the Bricks — Including artwork by Carol Hart, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Zephyr Blevins Gallery at Arkansas Public Theatre at the Victory in Rogers. Artwork on show through May. Free. 631-8988.
April 12
Opening Reception — For Mid-Southern Watercolorists 49th Annual Juried Exhibition, 5-8 p.m., Historic Arkansas Museum in Little Rock. Exhibit through July 7. 501-324-9351, historicarkansas.org.

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“Tomorrow’s Heirlooms XVII” — A show by the QUILT guild of Northwest Arkansas, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. April 5 & 9 a.m.-4 p.m. April 6, Encore Event Center, 1106 N. Old Missouri Road in Springdale. $8. QuiltGuildNWA.edublogs.org.
April 13
Handweavers Guild — 10 a.m., Shiloh Meeting Hall in downtown Springdale. 750-8165 or shilohmuseum.org.
Discover the Grounds — Spring Blooming Trees, 10-11:30 a.m., Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville. Free. Register at 657-2335.
Gallery Conversation — “Letters to Calder” with Catherine Wallack, architectural records archivist at the University of Arkansas, 1 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335.
DIY Afternoon — Mason Jar Terrariums, 1-2:30 p.m., Fort Smith Main Library. Free for ages 13 and older. Register at 783-0229 or email lharms@fortsmithlibrary.org by April 11.
The Better World Mural — A partnership among Terra Studios, Compassion Fayetteville, local businesses and community members and 19 local artists to portray the 17 sustainable development goals plus one of compassion, 2 p.m. unveiling, Terra Studios in Durham. Free. 643-3185.
April 18
Gallery Conversation — Crystal Bridges’ Modern Architecture with Lydia Brandt, 1 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335.
April 19
Art Night Out — With music, art making, theater, a demo by Gustav Carlson and costumed characters, 6-11:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. Register at 657-2335.
Date Night — Love Mugs, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Community Creative Center in Fayetteville. $80 per couple. 571-2796,
April 20
Gallery Conversation — “Representation in Comics: Why Comics Are for Everyone” with Matt Wood, 1 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free with a ticket to “Men of Steel, Women of Wonder.” Register at 657-2335.
Rogers Postal History — Learn about and explore the history of the postal service in Rogers from the stagecoach to the mail truck and see a collection of stamps from across the world, as well as sit in a reproduction of a stagecoach model used by the Butterfield Line which ran just East of Rogers from Missouri to Fort Smith, Rogers Historical Museum. Free. 621-1154.

Art on the Bricks — Including artwork by Carol Hart, 4:30-7:30 p.m. April 11, Zephyr Blevins Gallery at Arkansas Public Theatre at the Victory in Rogers. Artwork on show through May. Free. 631-8988.
April 22
“Men of Steel, Women of Wonder” — More than 70 paintings, photographs, installations & videos by 50 artists, ends April 22, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville. $12. 657-2335.
April 24
Distinguished Speaker Series — With visual and performance artist Vanessa German, 7 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. $15. Register at 657-2335.
April 25
Artist’s Reception — For “A Life in Nature Explored” by Jeff Godlevsky, 6-8 p.m., Bolder Coffee in Rogers. Free. Exhibit on show through May 31. Email demara.titzer@gmail.com.
Forest Fun — Happy Earth Week, 6:30-8 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum’s North Forest. Free. 657-2335.
April 26
Art by the Glass — Polaroid Prints, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. $30. Register at 657-2335.
Watch Party — For the “State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now” on PBS, 7 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum. Free. 657-2335.
April 28
Sunday Salon — An artist talk, 1-3 p.m., ArtVentures in Fayetteville. ArtVenturesNWA.org.
April 28
“Darkness Through Light” — Photographs on canvas and metal by Diana Michelle, through June 1 with a reception 6-8 p.m. May 2, Arsaga’s at the Depot in Fayetteville. Free. dianamichellefineart.com.
High South Moments — F.I.R.E. — Food Inspires Real Emotion — 6-7:30 p.m., Crystal Bridges Museum’s North Forest. $60. Register at 657-2335.
April 29
“Model Homes” — An exhibit featuring doll houses and small-scale replicas of real houses from the 1900s, through 2019, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History in downtown Springdale. Free. 750-8165.
All Month
Arkansas Territory Bicentennial Traveling Collection — With more than 80 paintings and drawings based on people, places and objects from the two centuries of the geographical Arkansas Territory, through May 2, Windgate Visual Art West building, 2000 W. University St. at John Brown University in Siloam Springs. Free. Email juliehayesart@gmail.com.
“On Paper: Collaborations in Print and Pulp from Wildwood Press” — Featuring work by Linda Schwarz, Christine Corday, David Shapiro, Valerie Hammond, Michele Oka Doner, Juan Sanchez and Xiaoze Xie, through May 4, Joy Pratt Markham Gallery at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. Free. 571-2766.
RMS Titanic Life Jackets — Seven of only 12 known extant Titanic life jackets, through June 15, Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson. $14-$26.50. 800-391-7870 or titanicbranson.com.
“Instruments of Faith” — The Life and Work of Ed Stilley, featuring more than 20 handmade Stilley instruments on loan from private collectors, through 2019, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History in Springdale. Free. 750-8165.
— Becca Martin-Brown