Spring Cleaning, Diva Style!
Out with the old, in with the new, getting rid of the winter doldrums to welcome in a new, fresh palate of clothes and decor to hallmark the spring season. For most of us, the idea turns sour a couple of hours into the process and all we have is a huge mess of clothes, dusty nicknacks and old magazines we don’t know what to do with. Ever fall asleep in the middle of your closet during your spring cleaning???

When to say goodbye…
Concealer: Up to 12 months
Powder: 2 years
Cream & gel cleansers: 1 year
Pencil eye liner: 3 years
Eyeshadow: 3 years
Foundation: 1 year
Lip liner: 3 years
Lipstick: 2 years, but if it starts to smell, replace it. This one strikes too close to home. Just like my mother’s Hummel collection, each lipstick purchase is tied to an emotional experience. And because of all of these emotional purchases, I am on a self-imposed probation from buying lipstick or lipgloss until I use up some of the items I already have. For shizzies and giggles, let’s see how long this lasts!
Mascara, the fastest of any to expire, will last no more than 3 months! Definitely treat yourself to a freshy. Luxe: Estee Lauder Turbo Lash All Effects Mascara, $32. This vibrating mascara uses a watch battery to get product extremely close to the lash line. The Look for Less: Lash Stiletto Ultimate Length, $8.95. Like the name implies, this newest creation from Maybelline lengthens lashes and leaves a glamorous finish.
In order your cosmetics lasting as long as possible, here’s a trick from Shalini Vadhera, Creator of Global Goddess Cosmetics. “Use clean brushes, not fingers, for a healthy application. Brushes should be washed every 2-3 months in a mild detergent and laid flat to dry. If they begin to fray or split, replace them in order to ensure the smoothest application.”
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Keep it Clean!