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It's Mardi Gras, ya'll

Okay it’s Mardi Gras. But what exactly is Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras translates from the French as Fat Tuesday. Why Fat Tuesday? The Lenten season, or the Easter season, always

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Opinion: Doug Thompson

Black and white By Doug Thompson Let’s talk about something vastly more important than the winner of this year’s presidential election. Let’s talk about race. Let’s talk about whether we

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Daddy Warbucks

Bumpy start for 2008 Hang on for more swings The stock markets here and abroad are still jittery and reeling from the swings of the first days of 2008. Hang

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Bill Clinton from Prince to Frog, By Judy Macklin

Bill, Bill, Bill. What has happened to you? Where is the Bill Clinton that American Democrats fell in love with in 1992? We stood by you through everything, Monica and


On The Aisle by Tony Macklin

Cloverfield I think when they started filming Cloverfield, somebody accidentally dropped the camera. Someone else said, “Cool.” So they kept dropping the camera. And they threw it, and jerked it,

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In the Clubs There are some super shows coming through town this week, so get ready. Here’s a quick rundown on some of the hot ones. Friday night, Oreo Blue

8 Days a Week

8 Days A Week

All events listed in 8 Days a Week are open to the public. To submit a listing, send to FFW, 203 N. College Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72701, or fax to

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E-Wine of the Week, by Bruce Cochran

Hello Everyone, This week we’ll become reacquainted with an old friend, a favorite wine for many of us at one time or another, and deserving, I think, of a fresh

Risa's Astrology

Risa's Astrology

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 2008 Vote!