Return Of A Bloodsucking Freak
There was a time, not so long ago when vampires were much more interested in eating your face than talking about their feelings.
Wasted Potential In 'The Help'
“The Help” is a good movie that could have been a great movie, which for a critic can actually be more frustrating than watching a flat-out terrible movie.
'Apes' Triumphant Return
The Beatles knew the best way to revive a moribund movie franchise: Get back to where you once belonged.
'Change' Out
I am the target demographic. I am a 30-something family man with fond recollections of my days of sowing wild oats and an appreciation of raunchy comedies. If I don’t love this movie, no one will.
Time To Get Slammed
The Ozark Poetry Slam Team will be the featured guest at the Ozark Poets and Writers Collective meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Nightbird Books in Fayetteville.
Friends With Benefits
Last year director Will Gluck took on the teen-comedy genre with the very self-aware, very charming and very funny movie “Easy A.”
Captain America
There’s something refreshingly dependable about “Captain America: The First Avenger.” It’s like an old pickup truck; it’s low on frills, gets you where you need to go and only occasionally lets you down (stupid carburetor!)
Shimmyfest Ready To Shake Its Thang
Shimmyfest will get some hips to shaking with belly dancing this weekend July 22-23 at the Clarion Inn in Fayetteville.
Christ And A Woolly Mammoth God
Last week in workshop, to deepen our understanding of character, we wrote character sketches of folks we knew well: real people in the real world. Then, we put these people in completely unfamiliar settings.