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Ozark Writers: They Keep on Going & Going…

A brief history of the Ozark Poets and Writers Collective and a calendar of the group’s upcoming events.


Locally Grown Literature

By Blair Jackson TFW Editor “In this culture, poetry is like zucchini squash, you’re lucky to give it away,” says Gerry Sloan. The writer, who has taught music at the


OPWC Presents: Leah Gould

By Ginny Masullo TFW Contributing Writer When performance poet Leah Gould recites her original poetry this Tuesday for the Ozark Poets and Writers Collective monthly reading at Nightbird Books, she’ll


OPWC: Clayton Scott

Staff Report Former Fayetteville Poet Laureate, Clayton Scott, will bring some heat to the OPWC’s poetry reading at Nightbird Books on Jan. 31. Author and former UA creative writing chairwoman,


2012: Cinematic Nerd Odyssey

By Blair Jackson This is for all you lovers of sci-fi and fantasy. Whether you’re taking your lady or guy on a date or wanting to enjoy an afternoon matinee


It's A Wonderful Life

An Exercise in Adaptation By Blair Jackson TFW Editor Robert Ford’s stage adaptation of Frank Capra’s classic film “It’s a Wonderful Life” both suffers and succeeds in its limited cast


The Master of Mash-Ups

By Blair Jackson Editor Gregg Gillis, aka Girl Talk, recently crashed the Fayetteville nightlife scene. In conjunction with Axe body products, the artist played a free last-minute show that was


Refinding and Redefining American Art

By Blair Jackson The art world is buzzing in light of this week’s opening of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville. Featuring artists from the eras of American


Was it Left to Die?

I cannot believe the Fayetteville Underground is dissolving. Let me rephrase that, I can’t believe the board decided to dissolve the nonprofit organization when the artists were ready and willing


Underground Has New Directions

PRESS RELEASE FROM THE ARTISTS AT THE FAYETTEVILLE UNDERGROUND Fayetteville, Ar. — The artists and the board of the Fayetteville Underground gathered last week in the Vault Gallery, for a