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Fayetteville’s Prodigal Songwriter Returns

Joe Purdy, the 34 year-old singer songwriter and Northwest Arkansas native, is an old soul.


Funk It Up: The Floozies to Host Two Night Stand

Thirty minutes before his fantasy football draft, Matt squeezed in a phone interview for us.


That Rowdy Rock n’ Roll Sound

American Lions, from Conway, Ark., are keeping rock n’ roll alive with their modern take on the classic rock sound.


A Night In the Middle Ages

When Richard Massey, an editor at the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal, wrote his first novel, “Equals and Allies,” he set the action in the present day, and in the mundane environs of Columbus, Ohio.


‘Boyhood’ Hits Growing Up on the Head

Overall, growing up is a tough thing to do. There may not be a better artistic interpretation of that than Linklater’s “Boyhood.”


Freekly Fiction Vol. 2

Perils and Pleasures of Trees By D. Lark Lancaster There’s a life-flowing rhythm to this place. Faceless spirits come from way upstream, Arriving with fear, looking for harbor. They cry,


Marvel Takes a Risky Venture Once Again

On Friday, Aug. 1, Marvel Studios is releasing Guardians Of The Galaxy. For Marvel, this is a massive risk, as Guardians do not have the clout or fame “The Avengers,” or any of their solo members, have in the mainstream comics.


Updates From the Land of the Nerds

In case you didn’t hear, or like me, are too poor to make it all the way to San Diego, The SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) was this weekend, and with it came the next year of nerdy entertainment laid out on a platter for all to see.


Freekly Fiction Vol. 1

Hours After Midnight by Garrett Parker I love this sky at nighttime when the sun lies far below its last glint. With time spent recollecting how the night was with


Local Jazz-Folk Duo to Release Debut Album

Experiencing a Handmade Moments show is kind of like enjoying a spoonful of political discourse wrapped in local organic bacon and deep fried in hemp oil — and it’s all silky.