Three Minutes, Three Questions with artist Kellie Lehr
LARA JO HIGHTOWER Kellie Lehr has an unusual background for an artist: She has a Bachelor of Science degree in International Economics from the University of Arkansas and held
Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Folkways invests Leisure time in soap BECCA MARTIN-BROWN Amy Stout Leisure’s bachelor’s degree was in art, but it’s a safe bet it didn’t encompass all the things she does
Deeply Rooted
Kaminskys’ artistic family tree branches out BECCA MARTIN-BROWN “Family dynamics can be complicated.” So begins a press release from Fenix Fayetteville about an unusual — one might even say
Where Art Finds A Home
Couple building new bridge in creative community LARA JO HIGHTOWER D. Arthur Wilson and Lisa Wilson, artists and stars of the soon-to-be-released television show “Art and Soul,” have lived
The Eye Of The Beholder
Visual arts continue to catch the eye in new venues LARA JO HIGHTOWER Since Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art opened in 2011, the interest in visual arts has
Watch Women (Metal)Work
Exhibit forges space for inclusion JOCELYN MURPHY Every other year, the Arkansas Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts curates a traveling exhibition of female Arkansas
Art OverView
Walk, shop, draw and design during July Now “Acansa to Arkansas: Maps of the Land” — A chronicle of changes in Arkansas place names, population demographics and geography, through July
Brave New World
Photographer Edward Robison goes beyond reality BECCA MARTIN-BROWN The traditional mediums used by an artist don’t really change. Oil paint is oil paint, acrylics are acrylics, clay is clay,
Everything Old Is New Again
Historic building becomes gallery, debuts exhibition LYNN KUTTER This small community in western Washington County recently premiered its newest historic facility, the Museum Gallery at Historic Cane Hill, with