Handmade In Eureka Springs
Pop-up gallery offers local art for the holidays BECCA MARTIN-BROWN The biggest reason there’s a EurekaMade pop-up market at 67 Spring St. sounds like a lyric from a Broadway
Four Minutes, Four Questions Gabriella Sanchez
JOCELYN MURPHY Picture a flagpole in your mind. What does that tall metal pillar mean to you? A flagpole can serve as a spot for meeting or gathering; it
Layered Perspectives
Artists respond to ‘Until’ with new works JOCELYN MURPHY From its inception, “Nick Cave: Until” was always intended to be a space of response, begins Pia Agrawal. Agrawal is
Community Connections
MONAH, Crystal Bridges collaborate to tell a new story JOCELYN MURPHY The coronavirus shutdown of all our arts institutions may have delayed the debut of a new, important collaboration,
Freeze Frame
Statues step out in Shiloh Sandwiched In BECCA MARTIN-BROWN “We often think about statues being monuments to important historical figures or events,” Marie Demeroukas begins. “But statues can be
‘Gems’ Sparkle in Florida
Crystal Bridges joins forces for ‘Cross Pollination’ exhibit JOCELYN MURPHY Martin Johnson Heade’s 19th-century series of hummingbird and habitat paintings, “The Gems of Brazil,” is a visitor favorite in
Art For Art’s Sake
New project spreads murals across Arkansas BECCA MARTIN-BROWN If Walmart was Sam Walton’s legacy in Northwest Arkansas, and Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art is his daughter Alice’s, then
The Past Informs The Future
Bella Vista Historical Museum ready to reopen BECCA MARTIN-BROWN “As more newcomers move to Bella Vista, we think it’s important to educate them about our community’s heritage,” says Xyta
Bringing Back Hope
Art Ventures exhibit a light in dark times LARA JO HIGHTOWER Northwest Arkansas’ art collective Art Ventures is opening a new exhibit called “Synchrony” this month — the sixth
Connective Creations
Timeless and timely works tie past to present JOCELYN MURPHY With each step the Momentary takes as it continues to settle into its role as a community pillar, new