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Curtain Up! APT’s Season 37 includes world premiere

There’s an old saying that it takes a village, and it’s that community of volunteers that gets the credit for Arkansas Public Theatre’s survival — and success — during the


Kody Ford: Arkansas Cinema Society makes inroads around state

This is just one of the fascinating people you might want to keep your eye on in 2022. Kody Ford knows a little bit about the arts and culture scene


‘Love Lifts Us Up’: Wes Williams makes iconic role his own in ‘An Officer and a Gentleman’

Imagine a sandy-haired, sweet-faced boy, middle-school age, waiting backstage before his acting debut in the smallish city (population 20,000) of Lexington, S.C.. He auditioned only because he had a crush


Come For The Cocktails: Stay to help keep arts venues alive and well

Editor’s Note: This time every year, we look back at some of the noteworthy stories of the past 365 days. This story originally appeared Feb. 21, 2021, in What’s Up!


‘God bless us, every one!’: ‘Christmas Carol’ brings magic back to TheatreSquared

When TheatreSquared carries on its tradition of presenting the Amy Herzberg- and Robert Ford-penned adaptation of Charles Dickens’ holiday classic “A Christmas Carol” this year, the show will launch in


Back To School: WAC hosts holiday helping of hilarity

Get in loser. We’re going to the Walton Arts Center. If it’s like you have ESPN or something; if you’re not like a regular mom, you’re a cool mom; if


Happy Endings Guaranteed: FLST brings magic of Christmas romance to stage

Everybody loves — or loves to hate — the “Hallmark” holiday movies that fill TV screens this time of year. But what would happen if several of those sentimental plots


‘A Little Ridiculousness’: WAC offers golden ticket to confectionery fun

“Do you know the story at all?” Walton Arts Center Vice President of Programming and Executive Producer Scott Galbraith couldn’t resist this cheeky quip way back in the spring of


Sounds Too Familiar: UA play considers dystopian future

Jose Rivera’s “Marisol” — a University Theatre production directed by Huan Bui that is now on stage at the Nadine Baum Theatre — is a wild fable, a roller coaster


Godmother of Rock ‘n’ Roll: T2 raises the roof with story of Sister Rosetta Tharpe

Famed rocker Chuck Berry said that his whole career was “one long Sister Rosetta Tharpe imitation.” Arkansas-born Tharpe, the most famous gospel singer of her day and largely considered the