‘The Ghost Writer’ Better Than ‘Shutter Island’
“The Ghost Writer” could be the companion piece to “Shutter Island.” Actually, “Shutter Island” should be the companion piece to “The Ghost Writer,” since “The Ghost Writer” is the better film.
Effron White Wins Again
Fayetteville singer songwriter Effron White, a Kerrville “New Folk” winner and NAMA Hall of Fame winner, took third place honors in American Songwriter magazine’s bi-monthly lyric contest.
STS9 at George’s Majestic Lounge
You could feel it in the air. It was spreading its way, building rapidly as you approached the backroom at George’s Majestic Lounge last week
Tea Leaf Green
With constant changes, innovations and an ever-disseminating revenue stream, most bands have a murky path ahead of them filled with setbacks and uncertainty as to where their career is headed. And as the path grows darker, most bands choose to hang up their instruments and move on to a different path in life.
With the growth of the Northwest Arkansas music scene and the number of chart-topping artists taking the stage in NWA, no one would have believed a few months ago that the most anticipated concert of early 2010 would be STS9 at George’s Majestic Lounge.
8 Days A Week
All events listed in 8 Days a Week are open to the public. To submit a listing, send to Fayetteville Free Weekly, P.O. Box 1607, Fayetteville 72702, or e-mail sporter@nwaonline.com, at least two weeks prior to event. Submissions are printed as space allows. Photographs and art are also considered.